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译言  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-02-25 14:10




On shared false memories: what lies behind the Mandela effect

本期 原文来自 aeon.co ,讲的是曼德拉效应。说到曼德拉效应,很多人都有切身体验。有时你会发现,这个世界上的一些事实和你记忆中的事实完全背道而驰,就仿佛穿梭进了平行宇宙。最典型的例子,是关于南非前总统曼德拉的错误记忆,具体怎么回事,大家看文章。

方便起见,文章分了三部分来 po,每部分 500 词左右,长短适中,这是 part 1。想练多少大家随意,重在交流学习。每段前有序号,建议在译文前标注一下。对全文感兴趣的,可以认领全文翻译(点击阅读原文有认领链接)。

另外,好消息,这篇文章有配套的音频!音频已经上传到译言字幕翻译工具里,这样就连听力也一起练了,编辑模式里有听记(复读)功能,很好用。注意,文中 [ ] 里标的是在音频中的时间点。



Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Audio

------ 这是 开始认真起来搞点事er 的分割线 ------

On shared false memories: what lies behind the Mandela effect


(1) Would you trust a memory that felt as real as all your other memories, and if other people confirmed that they remembered it too? What if the memory turned out to be false? This scenario was named the ‘Mandela effect’ by the self-described ‘paranormal consultant’ Fiona Broome after she discovered that other people shared her (false) memory of the South African civil rights leader Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s. [00:59]

(2) Is a shared false memory really due to a so-called ‘glitch in the matrix’, or is there some other explanation for what’s happening? Broome attributes the disparity to the many-worlds or ‘multiverse’ interpretation of quantum mechanics. When not directly observed, electrons and other subatomic particles diffract like waves, only to behave like particles when a measurement is made. Essentially, it’s as if these particles exist in multiple places simultaneously until directly observed. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger explained this strange concept with the ‘Schrödinger’s cat’ thought experiment in 1935. If a cat were placed in a box with a radioactive-decay-detector rigged to break a flask of poison when activated, a decaying particle existing as a wave would yield two simultaneous macroscale realities – one where the cat is alive and one where the cat is dead. Although, upon observation, one could see that the cat is either dead or alive, some quantum physicists such as the late Hugh Everett III – who first proposed the many-worlds interpretation in 1957 – have speculated that both realities exist … but in separate, parallel universes. [02:20]

(3) It’s important to keep in mind that the many-worlds interpretation was developed to explain the results of physics experiments and not the Mandela effect. Nonetheless, Broome believes that her shared memory isn’t actually false, and that she and others who remember a different past were actually in a parallel reality with a different timeline that somehow got crossed with our current one. [02:44]

(4) More recently, people on Reddit and other websites have identified further instances of the Mandela effect, including shared memories that the children’s book series ‘The Berenstain Bears’ used to be spelled ‘Berenstein Bears’ and that there was a movie called Shazaam in the 1990s starring the US comedian Sinbad. [03:13]

(5) Regardless of what really happened, there’s no denying that shared false memories exist. Can neuroscience provide an alternative hypothesis for what’s really going on, without evoking quantum physics? There are several concepts that might explain something so strange. First, it’s important to remember that a memory is made up of a network of neurons in the brain that store the memory. The physical location of a memory in the brain is often called an ‘engram’ or ‘memory trace’. During consolidation, the memory trace is transferred from temporary sites such as the hippocampus to permanent storage sites in the prefrontal cortex. [03:53]


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