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泽稷金融分析师  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-19 15:44




在Post-Employment Benefit Plans 介绍中包括DC plan、DB plan、OPB以及share based compensation。

DC plan与DB plan对比

Defined-contribution pension plan (DC):Employers’ contribution是确定的,但是employee未来的收益是不确定的。投资风险由employee承担。

Defined-benefit pension plan (DB):Employee未来每期的收益是确定的, Employers’ contribution是不确定的。投资风险由employer承担。

DB plan

1)PBO,(projected benefit obligation)


USGAAP和IFRS均要求列报Funded status,其中Funded status=Fair value of the plan's assets - PBO

A)Fair value of the plan's assets > Estimated pension obligation:

The plan is overfunded. The sponsoring firm records a net pension asset.(要注意ceiling问题,surplus与ceiling取低值)

B)Fair value of the plan's assets < Estimated pension obligation:

Plan is underfunded. The firm records a net pension liability.

FV of pension asset与PBO核算如下:

3)periodic pension cost在I/S和OCI中的列报


Under IFRS

✔ Services cost (I/S): 包括current service cost,past service cost

✔ Net interest expense/income (I/S)
⭐ = Net pension liability / asset × discount rate
⭐ = (Plan asset – PBO)× discount rate

✔ Remeasurement (OCI):
⭐actuarial gains and losses (精算利得和损失)
⭐Any differences between the actual return on plan assets and the amount included in the net interest expense/income calculation. (actual return – plan asset × discount rate)

综上,under IFRS

✔Period pension expense recognized in P&L== current service cost + net interest cost +past service cost,

✔Period pension expense recognized in OCI = actuarial gains and losses on the pension obligation + net return on plan assets.


✔ Current service cost (I/S)
✔ Past service cost (OCI): 在整个服务期间摊销到I/S表中
✔ Interest expense on pension obligations (I/S)
✔ Returns on the pension plan assets (I/S) (= plan asset × expected return rate)
✔ Actuarial gains or losses (OCI)
⭐还包含了actual return与expected return的差。
⭐特殊情况下可以计入I/S(corridor approach)

综上,under USGAAP

✔ Period pension expense recognized in P&L = current service cost +interest cost – expected return on plan assets + amortization of past service cost -/+ amortization of actuarial gains / losses.

✔ The following two parts are recognized in OCI

⭐Unamortized past service cost;

⭐Actuarial gains/losses and Difference between expected return and actual return on plan assets.





分析师分为会计上对于养老金资产和负债在net之后进行列报,会导致公司ratio的评估,所以分析师认为应当列示gross pension asset/liability下的ratio


USGAAP和IFRS下由于在确认total periodic pension cost存在差异,使得pension cost在利润表中和OCI中列示事项不一致,分析师认为TPPC更加能够反映economic reality。

TPPC=Ending funded status –Beginning funded status – employer’s contribution.


⭐在US GAAP下,所有的pension costs in P&L是作为operating expense列报的,而在IFRS下,则可以选择不同的地方列报。

⭐在US GAAP下,从分析师的角度来看,只有current service cost应当被视作operating expense,而interest expense应当作为financing cost来计量,所有的return都应当作为financing return来计量。


⭐在US GAAP下,所有的employer contribution均被记为CFO,而在IFRS下,部分现金流会被记为CFF。

⭐如果contribution大于TPPC,即overcontribution,视同为偿还养老金债务,此时CFF减少(contribution-TPPC)(1-tax rate);

⭐如果contribution小于TPPC,即undercontribution,视同为从员工养老金借债,此时CFF增加(TPPC-contribution)(1-tax rate)。

Share-based Compensation

Share-based compensation的主要目的是将员工的利益与公司股东的利益绑定。本部分主要是定义掌握含义。

⭐Equity settled
✔ Stock grants;
✔ Stock options;
Cash settled
✔ Stock appreciation rights (SARs);
✔ Phantom shares.

1)Stock grants

以grant date的股票的公允价值(通常为市场价格)作为compensation expense分摊入整个service period的利润表.

2)stock option

以grant date的期权公允价值(不是市场价值)在service period内分摊费用。公允价值由期权定价模型计算得到。

3)Stock appreciation rights (SARs)

based on increases in a company’s share price。其优点为股东所有权益不会被稀释。

4)Phantom shares

based on the performance of hypothetical stock rather than the company’s actual stock.
