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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-08-29 09:27



Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

Special Issue on Patch-based Techniques in Medical Imaging

全文截稿: 2018-03-05
影响因子: 1.738
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/computerized-medical-imaging-and-graphics

Patch-based techniques play an increasingly important role in the medical imaging field, with various applications in image segmentation, image de-noising, image super-resolution, image super-pixel/voxel, computer-aided diagnosis, image registration, abnormality detection and image synthesis. Dictionaries of local image patches are increasingly being used in the context of segmentation and computer-aided diagnosis. Patch-based dictionaries are commonly used in conjunction with pattern recognition techniques to model complex anatomies in an accurate and easy way. The patch-level representation of the image content is between the global image and localized voxels. This level of representation is shown to be successful in areas such as image processing (e.g., enhancement and de-noising) as well as image feature extraction and classification (e.g., convolution kernels and convolutional neural networks).

The main aim of this special issue is to advance scientific research within the broad field of patch-based processing in medical imaging. It will focus on major trends and challenges in this area, and it will present work aimed to identify the use of new cutting-edge techniques in medical imaging. The list of possible topics includes, but is not limited to:
- Image segmentation of anatomical structures or lesions (e.g., brain segmentation, cardiac segmentation, MS lesions detection, tumor segmentation).
- Image enhancement (e.g., de-noising or super-resolution dedicated to fMRI, DWI, MRI or CT).
- Computer-aided prognosis and diagnosis (e.g., for lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain diseases, liver cancer, acute and chronic illnesses, osteoporosis).
- Mono and multimodal image registration.
- Multi-modality fusion (e.g., MRI/PET, PET/CT, projection X-ray/CT, X-ray/ultrasound)
- Mono and multi modal image synthesis (e.g., synthesis of missing a modality in a database using an external library).
- Image retrieval (e.g., context-based retrieval, lesion similarity).
- Dynamic, functional, physiologic, and anatomic imaging.
- Super-pixel/voxel in medical image analysis.
- Sparse dictionary learning and sparse coding.
- Deep learning based image analysis
- Analysis of 2D, 2D+t, 3D, 3D+t and 4D and 4D+t data.


General Hospital Psychiatry

Call for Papers: Medical Settings

全文截稿: 2017-09-15
影响因子: 2.279
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/general-hospital-psychiatry

We are soliciting manuscripts for inclusion in a special issue of General Hospital Psychiatry titled, “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Medical Settings.” We welcome conceptual or empirical manuscripts with a US domestic or international focus on the topic. This can include review articles, full original research reports, or brief communications, in keeping with the usual article types for General Hospital Psychiatry.

The special issue will focus on the following topics related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) induced by acute, potentially life-threatening medical events (e.g., cardiovascular events, cancer): 1) Studies of risk vs. protective factors for developing medically-induced PTSD; 2) Studies of mechanisms by which medically-induced PTSD may contribute to poor medical outcomes in these patients; 3) Studies examining how medically-induced PTSD may be distinct from PTSD that onsets in response to non-medical traumas; and 4) Studies of interventions focused on preventing the development of PTSD after acute medical events or treating medically-induced PTSD.

The ultimate goal of the special issue is to shed light on posttraumatic stress that may manifest after experiencing an acute medical event. It is envisioned that the collection of articles included in this special issue will provide robust support for future research on PTSD in medical settings and have the potential to inform healthcare practices in these environments. Findings from epidemiological and clinical studies, as well as clinical trials, are welcome.

We strongly encourage authors to mention: (1) the innovation in their approach to the study of PTSD in medical settings; and (2) how this work will set the stage for future research, clinical practice, and/or public policy in this area.
Authors are invited to submit a full manuscript, due September 15, 2017. All manuscripts will be subject to full editorial board and peer review. We anticipate that the special issue will be published in early Spring 2018.

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