It's important to stay active throughout the winter months. Cycle to work. Walk your kids to school. Shovel snow. Go on weekend hikes with family or friends. Plan a winter camping trip. Visit local festivals. Just don't hibernate!
You can grow vegetables indoors or simply surround yourself with houseplants that add a cheery, peaceful vibe to a room.
vibe[vaɪb]: n. 气氛,氛围
❸Cook cozy, cold-weather fare.
Embrace how the change in seasons affects your diet. Make slow simmering stews and braises, spicy curries, heaps of soups, and fresh homemade breads. Winter is the best time to bake. Turning on the oven can warm your house and make the kitchen a gathering point for the family.
Host informal gatherings on weekend evenings. No one will complain about curling up on a living room sofa to play board games for hours or to watch a movie together. Host a spa night with friends.
I love taking hot bubble baths on winter evenings and drinking homemade matcha lattes or chai tea in the afternoons. My husband and I watch a favorite show and eat popcorn in front of the fireplace after kids have gone to bed.
Meet once a month, alternating between people's houses, and take turns choosing a theme and assigning dishes. Or you could make a batch of spaghetti and sauce and whoever wants to join can show up to eat if they bring a bottle of wine, garlic bread, or dessert.
If you're going out less in the evenings, then you should have more time to tackle all those books you wish you could read. Make winter your reading season, with dedicated hours spent in silence, traveling the world from the comfort of your couch. Set a goal, i.e. one book per week.
Keeping curtains open or using gauzy transparent ones to allow sunlight to enter the home. This will brighten the space, boost your mood, and make the short days feel just a wee bit longer.
This might sound environment-unfriendly, but if it prevents depression and makes you more productive, it's worth the tradeoff. Use LED bulbs so the energy cost can be pretty low.
You may raise an eyebrow or even laugh aloud, but this is real, folks. Nothing is more miserable than having cold feet, and I highly recommend spending the money on a few great pairs of wool socks that will keep your feet toasty warm and dry all day long. 你可能会感到惊讶,甚至大声嘲笑,但这招确实有用。没有什么比脚冷更痛苦的事了,我强烈建议大家买几双很棒的羊毛袜,让你的脚一整天都保持温暖与干燥。