专栏名称: 取经号JTW
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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-21 16:00




作者: Christian B Miller



编辑: 张嫣

本文选自 Aeon | 取经号原创翻译

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True generosity involves more than just giving


Who is the most generous person in theworld today? Ask folks in the West, and the most popular answer would probably be Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. For good reason, too. According to Business Insider’s 2015 ranking of the 20 most generous people in the world, Gates comes in first, with $27 billion in lifetime donations. But is Gates really a generous person? That seems like an absurd question. What more could anyone ask of him?


However, virtues such as generosity are complicated. They involve more than just outward behaviour. A person’s underlying thoughts, feelings and motives matter, too. If those aren’t in good shape, then one cannot qualify as a generous person. The same holds for other virtues, such as compassion, humility and forgiveness.

但美德(比如慷慨)是复杂的,它们并不仅只是一个人表现在外的行为,内在的思想、感受和动机也同样重要。如果那些内在的东西并不如外在那般好,那么这个人就没有资格被称为是一个慷慨的人。这一标准同样适用于其他美德,比如怜悯、 谦逊 、宽恕。

humility /hjʊˈmɪlɪti/ n. a modestor low view of one's own importance; humbleness. 谦逊

So what more is involved in being agenerous person besides consistently donating one’s money, time and resources? Philosophers should have a lot to say to help us answer this question, especially in light of the explosion of work on virtue and character in recent decades. But not so. Generosity is a neglected virtue in academic research in general, and perhaps most of all in philosophy.There have been very few articles on generosity in mainstream philosophy journals since 1975.

那么除了持续付出金钱、时间和资源外,一个慷慨的人还应具备什么呢?哲学家本应该帮助我们解答这个问题,尤其 考虑到 关于品质、美德的研究近几十年来大量出现。但却并非如此。在学术研究领域中,慷慨 不受重视 ;细化到哲学研究,慷慨大概是最不受重视的一种美德了。1975年以来,我们鲜少在哲学 主流 期刊 中见到研究慷慨的文章。

in light of drawing knowledge orinformation from; taking something into consideration 考虑到

Let us venture out on our own, then. I want to propose three requirements we have to meet to qualify as generous people. Needless to say, there are others, but I find these to be particularly interesting and controversial.

那就让我们自己来 大胆探索 吧。对于评判什么是慷慨的人,我想提出三条标准。不用说,其他的标准也是有的,但我发现这三条格外的有趣,并且富有争议。

venture /ˈven(t)SHər/ v. dare to do or saysomething that may be considered audacious 敢于、冒险

First comes donating something of value to you. Consider the following example:


Jones has completely lost interest in the CDs in his car; he hasn’t played them in years, and they are just gathering dust . One day, he happens to drive by a Goodwill collection centre, and decides that it would be nice to get rid of them. So he drops them off.

琼斯已经对自己车里的CD完全失去了兴趣,他已经好久没有播放过这些CD了,它们只是放在那里 积灰 。有一天,他偶然间开车路过了一个慈善中心,突然觉得或许在这里摆脱掉这些CD是个不错的主意。然后他把这些CD留在了那里。

I don’t want to fault what Jones did. It is praiseworthy, and Goodwill can put the donation to good use. But is his donation generous? I am inclined to say no. If Jones had still been attached to the CDs and thought that donating them could do some good in the world, then that would be one thing. But he lost all attachment to them years ago. Whenacting generously, a person gives something of value to him, something that hecares about, even if only to a small degree.

我并不想去 挑剔 琼斯的行为。这是值得赞美的,而且慈善中心可以让这些CD有机会再次展现自己。但他的捐献是慷慨的吗?我倾向于认为,这并不是。如果琼斯还在继续使用这些CD并且认为如果捐出这些CD可以为这个世界做点好事,那么,这可能是慷慨。但他从很久以前就不再喜欢这些CD了。慷慨的举动,指的是一个人给出了一些他在乎、对他有价值的东西,即便价值很小。

fault /fɔlt/ v. criticize for inadequacy ormistakes 挑…的错

Next up is not focusing on oneself . Here is another example:


Amanda has been donating to various charities for a number of years, and today she is receiving a community award for her philanthropy . Although she doesn’t tell this to other people, what has motivated her to make these donations has always been the publicity and recognition.

阿曼达已经给各种慈善机构做捐助好些年了,时至今日,她的 慈善举动 获得了社区奖章。尽管她没有把这件事告诉其他人,但激励她去捐助的一直都是 公众的关注 和认可。

Again, we can agree that the world is a better place because Amanda has donated so many times. Thank goodness she helped people over the years, rather than not. Yet here too we don’t find anexpression of generosity. The same is true if her motivation had been to earn tax deductions , to get rewards in the afterlife or to appease a guilty conscience. What all these have in common is that they are self-focused . The person who donates her money or time for these reasons is ultimately concerned only about herself, and not those who would be helped by the donation.
