【[204星]memsafe:让C++代码更安全、更可靠的单头文件库和Clang编译器插件。亮点:1. 自动管理内存,减少引用数据类型错误;2. 防止数据竞争,保护多线程访问安全;3. 无需修改旧代码,无缝兼容C++20】
'C++ Memory safety (memsafe) single-header libraries and Clang compiler plugin for safe C++, which reduces errors for reference data types and safe memory management without breaking backward compatibility with old C++ code.'
'C++ Memory safety (memsafe) single-header libraries and Clang compiler plugin for safe C++, which reduces errors for reference data types and safe memory management without breaking backward compatibility with old C++ code.'