Deep Learning has made many practical applications of machine learning possible. Deep Learning breaks down tasks in a way that makes all kinds of applications possible. This skilltest was conducted to test your knowledge of deep learning concepts.
A total of 853 people registered for this skill test. The test was designed to test the conceptual knowledge of deep learning. If you are one of those who missed out on this skill test, here are the questions and solutions. You missed on the real time test, but can read this article to find out how you could have answered correctly.
Here are the leaderboard ranking for all the participants.
Overall Scores
Below are the distribution scores, they will help you evaluate your performance.
You can access the final scores here. More than 270 people participated in the skill test and the highest score obtained was 38. Here are a few statistics about the distribution.
Mean Score: 15.05
Median Score: 18
Mode Score: 0
Useful Resources
A Complete Guide on Getting Started with Deep Learning in Python
The Evolution and Core Concepts of Deep Learning & Neural Networks
Practical Guide to implementing Neural Networks in Python (using Theano)
Fundamentals of Deep Learning – Starting with Artificial Neural Network
An Introduction to Implementing Neural Networks using TensorFlow