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征文启事 | 专刊《数据智能支持下的收缩城市研究》等你来

北京城市实验室BCL  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-08 17:30


Call for papers

本期为大家推介的是期刊《城市数据、科学与技术汇刊》( Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology )专刊 数据智能支持下的收缩城市研究 》( Shrinking Cities Research Supported by Data Intelligence 的征文启事, 包含Rationale(选题依据)、 The scope of Topics (主题范围)、 Guidelines(投稿指南)、Timeline(时间表)等内容。欢迎您的咨询、建议与投稿!

[ Rationale(选题依据) ]

The new round of information technology revolution represented by big data, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain has profoundly changed the operation mode of cities, as well as the way of knowing and understanding cities. The research paradigm of shrinking cities in the context of information technology revolution is also changing, shifting from traditional qualitative analyses and case studies to quantitative analyses and comprehensive studies, which facilitates a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the characteristics and laws of shrinking cities.

At the end of the 20th century, under the influence of globalization, de-industrialization, suburbanization, population ageing and other factors, shrinking cities have gradually become a global and multi-dimensional phenomenon, which has attracted the attention of multiple disciplines, such as urban and rural planning, geography and economics. With the diversification of data and methods, the breadth and depth of shrinking cities research has been broadened. Measurement methods have shifted from single indicators to multidimensional indicators; research scales have shifted from regions and cities to micro-scales such as communities, housing, and vacant land; research contents have shifted from phenomenon portrayal to mechanism analysis, and research topics have shifted from theoretical discussions to practical applications. With the support of data intelligence, the research on shrinking cities has shown the development trend of refinement, dynamization, humanization and intelligence, and has gradually shifted from a small (large) range of high (low) precision, static analysis, and data-driven, to a large range of high-precision, dynamic monitoring, and human-driven.

This special issue aims to provide insights for the research on the refinement, intelli gence and science of shrinking cities, and to provide decision support for the governance of shrinking cities. It includes the fine-grained identification of shrinking cities and the evolution law of long time series; the formation mechanism of shrinking city and its triggered social, economic, and environmental effects, such as housing vacancy, population migration, and urban quality degradation; and the future development trend of shrinking cities and their governance strategies. This special issue focuses on the role of data intelligence in shrinking cities research to deepen the understanding and knowledge of shrinking cities, and to promote theoretical and practical innovation. We invite empirical articles on shrinking cities using data or tools such as big data, big models, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. We also welcome other articles related to shrinking cities, such as theoretical explorations and literature reviews.




[ The scope of Topics(主题范围) ]

We are excited to present this special issue of Shrinking Cities Research Supported by Data Intelligence. Consistent with the scope of the journal, this special issue highlights the importance of smart data or tools to facilitate a refined and intelligent shift in shrinking cities research and innovation in theory and practice.

Submitted articles should be in the form of an article and are required to be written in English. Please refer strictly to the journal’s requirements for an “article”. The contributions may include but are not limited to the following topics:

我们很高兴推出本期以数据智能支持的收缩城市研究特刊。 与期刊的研究范围保持一致,本期特刊强调了智能数据或工具在推动收缩城市研究向精细化和智能化转变、以及理论和实践创新中的重要性。

投稿文章需为论文形式, 且要求用英文撰写。 请严格遵守期刊对“文章”的要求。 投稿内容可以包括但不限于以下主题

  1. Fine-grained data and identification of shrinking cities : Explore the fine-grained identification of shrinking cities using high spatial and temporal resolution data such as communities, households, and individuals.

  2. Network analysis and the spatial pattern of shrinking citie s : Using stream data, network analysis, etc. to explore the spatial pattern and correlation between growing and shrinking cities.

  3. Historical data and the stages of shrinking cities evolution : Using long time series and retrospective data to explore the spatial and temporal patterns of urban growth and shrinkage .

  4. Active sensing technology and the effects of shrinking cities : Using field research data, fixed and mobile sensing big data to explore the social, economic and environmental effects of shrinking cities .

  5. Intelligent technology and governance of shrinking cities : Using cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other modern information technology to explore the spatial governance and planning response of shrinking cities .

  6. Multi-source data, hybrid methods and future prediction of shrinking cities : Integrating traditional data, geographic big data, intelligent models, simulation and other data and methods to simulate the future trends of shrinking cities in multiple scenarios .

[ Guidelines(投稿指南) ]

Submissions should be prepared according to the “Submission Guidelines” available on the journal homepage https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/transactions-in-urban-data-science-and-technology/journal203731#submission-guidelines . Please visit the Journal’s submission site https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tus to upload your manuscript. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor been currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important to select “Shrinking Cities Research Supported by Data Intelligence” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process and indicate the special issue in your cover letter.

Abstracts for papers should contain the following information: name and affiliation of the authors, the title, and an abstract description (max. 200 words). The authors are recommended to send their abstract to Dr. Yanjun Liu or Dr. Guolei Zhou by November 30, 2024 for a review of its fit to the theme of this special issue. After the abstract is approved by the guest editors, the authors are invited to submit a full paper, which will then go through a peer-review process. Please note that papers can be submitted any time before the deadline. The authors can also directly submit the full paper in the journal’s submission system, without contacting in advance with the guest editor.

请依据网站要求提交完整论文,并在 cover letter 中注明向专刊《 数据智能支持下的收缩城市研究 》投稿。

[ Timeline(时间表) ]

  • November 30, 2024: Abstract submission.

  • March 15, 2025: Full paper submission.

  • May 15, 2025: Notification of the first-round reviews.

  • July 15, 2025: Notification of the second-round reviews, if necessary.

  • September 15, 2025: Special issue published.

●  2024年11月30日:摘要提交。
●  2025年3月15日 论文全文提交。
●  2025年5月15日 第一轮评审通知。
●  2025年7月15日 如有必要,通知第二轮评审。
●  2025年9月15日: 专刊 出版。

[ Guest editors(客座编辑) ]

You are also encouraged to contact the guest editors to discuss the issues related to the submission:

Dr. Yanjun Liu, [email protected], Northeast Normal University, China
