专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
考研斯基师兄  ·  4天后预报名,这些材料先准备好! ·  昨天  
考研斯基师兄  ·  4天后预报名,这些材料先准备好! ·  昨天  
考研斯基师兄  ·  【唐迟】94天,英语想考目标分数得这么学! ·  2 天前  
考研斯基师兄  ·  【唐迟】94天,英语想考目标分数得这么学! ·  2 天前  
考研斯基师兄  ·  一个建议,今年考研的不要太老实了 ·  5 天前  
考研斯基师兄  ·  一个建议,今年考研的不要太老实了 ·  5 天前  
考研斯基师兄  ·  给复习不完的考研人,指条野路子 ·  6 天前  
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-24 06:01


行  人力胜天工

知  只在每事问




Breaking news

Mobile users boost rise of China's 

web user population

China has an estimated 731 million internet users, according to the latest official figures.That's roughly the same size as the population of Europe.


National news

China schedules Chang'e-5 

lunar probe launch

China has revealed a plan to bring back samples from the moon later this year.

The mission will consist of a number of firsts - the country's first automated moon surface sampling exercise, the first moon take-off, first unmanned docking in a lunar orbit, and the first return flight.


International news

Samsung says faulty battery causes 

Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire

Samsung Electronics has confirmed that a faulty battery caused its flagship Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire.

It said a mix of thin separators between the positive and negative layers, abnormal squeeze in battery corners, abnormal bumps in the battery surface and absent insulating tape caused the handset to explode and be set on fire.

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