CRU TS (Climatic Research Unit gridded Time Series)是一个广泛使用的气候数据集,以0.5°纬度乘0.5°经度的网格覆盖世界上除南极洲外的所有陆地领域。它是通过对广泛的气象站观测网络中的月度气候异常进行内插得出的。这里我们描述了一个重要的新版本CRU TS v4的构建。它通过加入额外的站点观测数据而更新到1901-2023年,并将每年更新。内插过程已改为使用角距加权(Angular-Distance Weighting,ADW),并对次级变量的产生进行了修改,以更好地适应这种方法。ADW的实施提高了每个网格值和输入观测值之间的可追溯性,并允许更多的信息诊断,数据集用户可以利用它来评估数据集质量在地理上的变化。
下表是CRU数据具体的变量、代码、单位、相关的衰减距离(correlation decay distances,CDD)、前体数据具体介绍:
Variables - primary
Mean 2 m temperature 平均气温
Diurnal 2 m temperature range 昼夜温差
Variables - secondary
Wet days (Notes 1, 2) 降水大于等于0.1mm的天数
Variables - derived
Minimum 2 m temperature (Note 4) 最低温
Maximum 2 m temperature (Note 4) 最高温
Potential evapo-transpiration (Note 5) 潜在蒸散
Note 1: A wet day is one receiving ≥0.1 mm precipitation.
Note 2: Used in diverse areas, including evaluation of satellite observations and evaluation of potential evapotranspiration equations.
Note 3: Also used in many areas, including dendroclimatology and health.
Note 4: Used to calculate scPDSI for monitoring drought, and in areas including regional agronomic production and river basin vegetation.
Note 5: minimum and maximum temperatures are the monthly means of the individual daily minimum and maximum temperatures; they are not the overall minimum or maximum temperature recorded in each month.