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经济学人 | 知心大叔回归,为你解决职场难题

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-03 16:54




The return of The Economist’s agony uncle


Max Flannel is back to grapple with your workplace headaches


Dear Max, I am a 23-year-old social-media marketer who has only recently been required to return to the office. I had been told that the office would be great for having watercooler conversations. My office doesn’t seem to have a watercooler. What should I do?


Now you ask, I’m not really even sure what a watercooler is. But the basic idea is to find a place where you know colleagues are bound to go regularly and where you can engage in light conversation about whether they saw anything good on TV last night. My advice is to hang around any tap and you should meet colleagues fairly regularly.


I have just been promoted into a senior role. I have noticed that many of my new peers like to open meetings with small personal anecdotes about something that happened to them that day—a minor cycling accident, say, or a chance encounter with an old acquaintance.


It seems to be a way of getting people to relax a bit. The trouble is that nothing interesting ever seems to happen to me. What should I do?


I wouldn’t worry too much. Those stories are mostly made-up and all deliberately boring. No executive ever opens a meeting talking about how they woke up in their own clothes but in a total stranger’s apartment.


The goal is only to put people at their ease by making the speaker seem faintly human. Just say exactly what you put in your message above and then make your face go a bit vulnerable. That should do the trick.


The meeting rooms in our offices have just been given new and quirky names. All of them are different kinds of dips. I’m typing this in Baba Ghanoush; my next meeting is in Taramasalata. Am I alone in wanting to scream?


This is a truly revolting trend. There are people walking around offices right now saying things like “Focaccia seems to be taken. Is Ciabatta free?”, “I’m in Ulaanbaatar. Where are you?” and “Let’s set up a projector in Nelson Mandela”.


You either sound totally idiotic or as if you are suggesting something appalling. Just describe the room you are referring to: the one where Mandy gave that terrible presentation, say, or the one where absolutely nothing works.


I recently had a very disturbing thought. I don’t feel like I am an impostor. Does that mean I actually am one?


I’m afraid you have developed non-impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome, the much more common condition, is the worry that you are not good enough to take on certain roles. If you own up to this feeling, you will almost certainly be told that you are way better than the people who blithely hold those roles now.


If you have non-impostor syndrome, you start to wonder whether you are one of the people they mean and therefore deeply incompetent. The only known cure for non-impostor syndrome is impostor syndrome.




grapple with 应对;努力对付

anecdote [ˈænɪkdoʊt] n. 轶事;趣闻

deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli] adv. 故意地;从容不迫地

blithely [ˈblaɪðlɪ] adv. 愉快地;无挂虑地

