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18-09-07【幕后故事】维亚康姆阿根廷TELEFE电视台打造全ARRI LED演播室

ARRI  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-09-07 15:15


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打造全ARRI LED演播室

“我们的要求是品质、可靠性、新技术手段的灵活性,还有财务和环境方面的可持续性,ARRI LED满足所有这些要求。”

—— 古斯塔沃•卡波



“TELEFE的规模正在扩张当中,新的广播和新闻大楼拥有一个面积600平米的演播室,”维亚康姆/TELEFE技术与运营财务高级副总裁古斯塔沃•卡波(Gustavo Capua)介绍说。卡波负责其中一个重大工程项目——将演播室从联邦首府原址迁往新大楼。正是在这个过程中,如何保证环境永续发展这个议题开始浮现,在设计新演播室时,类似灯光效能这些细节成为越来越需要重视的大事。

BVS是ARRI的集成服务商和经销伙伴,该公司的商务总监埃尔南•温尼克(Hernán Winnik)在这个计划中发挥了重要作用。他告诉我们:“TELEFE要迁往新的广播大楼,他们希望把整个演播室和编辑部门都集中到位于马丁内斯的同一个工作空间里。我们和这家公司有多年良好的合作关系,要执行这个项目,他们面临一个重要的挑战:搬迁新闻演播室之后,可能要把所有灯光设备全部更换成LED。”



有了这个清晰的目标,BVS非常清楚应该怎么做。“当TELEFE说他们在设计一个顶级的演播室,其中一个重要的因素是高品质的灯光的时候,我们的脑袋里立刻就想到了 ARRI LED,”温尼克说。

“我们这些在媒体圈工作多年的人对ARRI这个名字一点都不陌生,他们的品质标准是出了名的。根据流程,BVS向我们提供了采用ARRI LED打造新演播室所有必需的数据信息,”副总裁卡波说:“我们的要求是品质、可靠性、新技术手段的灵活性,还有财务和环境方面的可持续性,ARRI满足所有这些要求。”

“考虑到这种规模电视台的需要和要求,采用LED灯光是明确无误的选择。过去两年,阿根廷的演播室LED灯光应用发展蓬勃。因为这里的电力成本越来越高,LED的低功耗特性对用户吸引力非常大,纷纷从传统灯光转向LED,”ARRI在拉丁美洲的技术销售代表埃斯特班•乌曼纳(Esteban Umana)说:“除此之外,我们的灯光适应面广,节省成本和工作时间,所有这些优点都推动着LED在阿根廷的普及。”








100% LED



就是这个新闻演播室,BVS推荐的是ARRI的L7-C和L10-C LED螺纹透镜灯(它们的亮度分别等同于1000 W和2000 W的卤素灯),而用来替换老式柔光灯的是SkyPanel S60-C。“我们推荐的这几款灯功能都非常全面,支持DMX 512和RDM协议控制,灯光控制台和灯头之间能够通讯。”


关于这个选择,温尼克说:“经过对灯光市场一番令人精疲力尽的分析,各种品牌、各种型号数不胜数的试用、测量和推算,不管是光质水平还是数据传输控制能力,ARRI是唯一一个能够满足客户所有要求的品牌。投入使用后,他们对ARRI LED的表现非常满意。”






了解更多关于ARRI LED的信息,请点击以下链接:

SkyPanel 4.0版固件带来强大的新控制功能


SkyPanel S360-C技术参数


Viacom TELEFE launches all ARRI LED studio

Viacom installed a new studio for the Argentinian television channel TELEFE with 100% ARRI LED lights.

With the acquisition of the public broadcasting channel TELEFE, international media company VIACOM made a strong bet on the Argentinian market. The move gave them control of one of the country’s main television channels. Even though TELEFE already boasted strong infrastructure, the aim was to take the company to the next level by transforming it into a multimedia hub with 11 studios and a scenographic workshop at their current facilities located in Martínez, province of Buenos Aires.

“Viacom TELEFE is in a process of structural growth. The new broadcasting and news building contains a 600 square foot studio,” explains Gustavo Capua, SVP Finance, Technology and Operations Viacom / TELEFE who was in charge of one of the major projects - the studio’s relocation from the Federal Capital. It was at this juncture that environmental sustainability concepts began to come up while building out the studio’s features -- themes like efficient lighting became ever more relevant.

Hernán Winnik, commercial director at BVS, ARRI’s integrator and distributor, had a leading role in the initiative. He explains, “TELEFE was moving its news studios and wanted to concentrate the entire studio and editorial department in a new building in Martínez. We have had a relationship with the company for many years and this project arose from the possibility of accompanying them through one of the predominant challenges they faced: relocating their news studio and possibly outfitting it completely with LED lighting.”

TELEFE is one of the main television channels in Argentina.

“Everything was designed to conserve energy not only by utilizing LED lighting, but also by minimizing heat dissipation. This resulted in the lowest possible electrical consumption by air conditioning equipment," says Capua.

With this goal in mind, BVS knew exactly what to recommend. ”When TELEFE was considering the need for a state-of-the-art studio, with the main priority being the implementation of high quality light, we immediately thought of ARRI LED fixtures," affirms Winnik.

“Those of us who have been developing projects in this media for many years now have known ARRI for a long time. They are known for their high quality products. BVS approached us with all the necessary information for the new studio with ARRI as the standard,” adds the SVP Viacom / TELEFE. “The requirements were quality and reliability with the versatility afforded by new technologies, along with financial and environmental sustainability. ARRI fulfilled all these requirements.”

“It was clear that LED lighting was the answer to the needs and demands of a channel of this magnitude. LED lighting for studios in Argentina has been growing dramatically in the last two years. The cost of electricity in the country has increased in such a way that conversion from traditional fixtures to LED luminaires is much more attractive due to the technology’s inherently low energy consumption,” comments Esteban Umana, ARRI’s Latin American technical sales representative. “In addition, the versatility of our lights cuts costs and work time. All of these factors have helped popularize the use of LEDs in Argentina.”

The lighting upgrade for this particular studio included 50 L7's, 40 L10's, and 24 SkyPanels.

Great Allies

To undertake a project of this magnitude, the relationship between the client, the brand, and the distributor was fundamental. It had to be a strategic alliance where every detail would be addressed. “The biggest challenge in this endeavor was to develop and cultivate the working relationship between the three companies. But at the same time this challenge was the most pleasant and fruitful part of the job, once the relationships were formed,” says Umana.

"From the moment the project was proposed, we at BVS made ourselves available to the network to help with anything they needed, for example the design and outline of the quantity of LED lights that would be needed, the execution of demos, and the calculations of savings they would achieve when using LED lights instead of halogen lights. For TELEFE, it was the opportunity to launch a completely renewed broadcasting studio and we were present to help them achieve that goal,” says BVS’s commercial director.

Even though it was an in-house installation of the TELEFE engineering and installation team, BVS’s assistance and guidance was key. "They always helped us make the best decisions, they joined the project right from the beginning, they were part of the same team," remarks Gustavo Capua.

“I believe TELEFE’s relationship with the distributor impacted decisions in a very positive manner. Seeing the exceptional support and knowledge that BVS has of our products, over the years, makes customers feel comfortable and at ease. They know their needs and expectations will be met,” says ARRI’s Umana. "The most important factors for the success of this project included the technological understanding of our products, knowing how to communicate this to the client clearly, and resolving any and all questions.”

Telefe’s 600 square meter studio was built specifically for news broadcasts, with the latest technology, including LED panels and LED lighting.
