专栏名称: 开言英语OpenLanguage
每日一期精品英语音频节目《潘吉Jenny告诉你》,帮助你学习地道英语口语,了解美国文化热点。Enjoy your studies!
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开言英语OpenLanguage  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-02-27 17:51





看周一发布的这节新课吧 ⬇️

Intermediate(中级课程): Someone used my credit card!

A: Hi, I just received a text alert about a purchase on my credit card . I didn't buy anything. Someone used my card!
B: Hello, Ms. Zhu, I'm Jillian. I'm here to assist you. But I need to ask you a few security questions first.
A: Ok. But please be quick. I'm really worried!
B: I understand. Please tell me your billing address .
A: It's unit 601, No. 2000,  West Yan'an Road, Shanghai, China.
B: Thank you. Now please enter your phone banking password after the beep.
B: Thank you. Ms. Zhu. I've verified your information. The transaction record shows that the latest charge was made about 10 minutes ago.
A: It wasn't me. Someone must have stolen my card information. I mean I have my card with me, but...
B: Ok. I will deactivate
