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梵高莫奈傻傻分不清?丨Weekend Where to go

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-08-01 16:15


Sometimes we can't distinguish one person from another because their names sound similar or they look alike.


▲《戴着灰毡帽的自画像》文森特·威廉·梵高 (1853-90) 梵高美术馆藏

▲ 克劳德·莫奈 (1840-1926)

If they're both painters, it may be because their styles or subjects are similar.


▲《播种者》梵高 梵高美术馆藏

▲《日出·印象》莫奈 巴黎马蒙丹-莫奈美术馆藏

I couldn't think of any reason that, in the recent hit drama Nothing But Thirty , Mrs Wang would credit a Monet Nympheas she bought to Vincent van Gogh. Maybe it is because the works of both of them cost a lot of money on the market right now?


July 29 marked the 130th anniversary of Van Gogh's death. The Dutch painter left a dynamic body of work following his short life. Pieces such as the Sunflowers series, The Starry Night and Wheatfield with Crows are celebrated around the world.



My favorite Van Gogh work is Almond Blossom , which he created in 1890. It's in the Van Gogh Museum’s collection in Amsterdam.


One shall feel Van Gogh's passion for nature and depicting its various manifestations. Almond Blossom reflects his enthusiasm for painting blooming trees, one of his favorite subjects.



The painting of an almond tree in bloom, marking the arrival of spring, was a gift to Van Gogh's nephew to celebrate his birth in January 1890.
