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亚投行合规局局长Hamid Sharif先生莅临汉坤演讲

汉坤律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-31 11:35


2017年7月20日,汉坤有幸邀请到亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,简称亚投行,AIIB)合规局局长Hamid Sharif先生莅临汉坤演讲。

On July 20, 2017, Han Kun was honored to have Mr. Hamid Sharif, Director General of Compliance, Effectiveness and Integrity Unit of AIIB, speak to Han Kun lawyers in Beijing.

汉坤律师事务所合伙人李晓鸣律师代表汉坤对Hamid Sharif先生来访汉坤表示了热烈的欢迎。

Xiaoming Li, a partner of Han Kun, presided over the event and introduced Mr. Sharif to the audience.

Hamid Sharif先生从AIIB的设立背景、宗旨、投资策略和投资项目、核心价值观、治理结构等方面对AIIB进行了全面介绍。他指出,AIIB的宗旨是促进亚洲地区国家基础设施建设的可持续发展,促进不同国家之间的互联互通以及吸收私有领域投资促进基础设施建设。AIIB的核心价值观为:精简、廉洁和绿色。作为成立于21世纪的国际组织,AIIB具有完备的治理机构,并强调运营的透明性和反腐败。

Mr. Sharif presented a bird’s-eye view of the background, the capital needs and the lack of funding sources which necessitated the establishment of AIIB and the bank’s thematic priorities, investment strategies, core values and governance structure.  Mr. Sharif emphasized that AIIB’s mission is to promote sustainable development of infrastructure construction in Asian countries, enhance cross-country connectivity and attract private funds into infrastructure constructions.  “Lean, clean and green” represent what AIIB stands for.  As a new international organization founded in the 21st century, AIIB is committed to operational transparency and anti-corruption commitments which are made possible by an effective and efficient governance structure unique among its peers.

