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问答 | make 和 create 有什么区别?

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2022-07-28 07:00


Ask a Teacher
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This week on Ask a Teacher , we answer a reader’s question about two common verbs. Here it is:

Question :

Hi, I'm Zachary. I would like to know the difference between “make” and “create.” How do we use them in everyday life? Thank you for your answer!

- Zachary, China

Answer :

Hello Zachary,

On a normal day, someone may make many things, but the person may create nothing at all. This morning, for example, I made breakfast. But, so far today, I have not created anything. Tonight, however, I may create a recipe for dinner.

The words “make” and “create” can have a few meanings. But today we will talk about the one that is commonly confused .


The verb “make” means to produce, build or prepare something – usually through common processes.

Someone can make a tasty meal, for example. But that does not mean the person used uncommon cooking methods or ingredients . A person can work in a factory that makes vehicles or clothing. But that factory does not create these things. Use of the verb “make” tells us that the production processes and the vehicle or clothing designs already existed.

