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考研英语里那些易错的熟词僻义 (1)

独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-30 13:03





这一现象背后的原因有许多,其中一大问题便是 熟词僻义 。什么是熟词僻义呢?熟词僻义指的是一个你熟悉的单词包含着对你来说生僻的意思。

比如我们在 纽约时报:反垄断法出手,阿里巴巴要凉了? 讲过的:

trust 除了表示「信任」,还有「托拉斯,垄断组织」的意思。

landscape 除了「风景」,还有「局势」的意思。


这些熟词僻义特别迷惑人,大家以后在阅读过程中,要 勤查词典 ,不要盲目自信想当然,一不小心就掉进出题老师的坑里。

今天我们讲考研英语一2015年真题里的8个熟词僻义。 这些词不仅在考研英语真题里出镜率很高,也是英美剧、外刊、雅思托福真题里的高频词,大家需要重点掌握。我们一起来看。


see 最基本的含义是「看」,从本义延伸出了丰富的意思,讲一个大家不熟悉的意思:
see 表示「确保,务必」,相当于make sure sth。
惯用搭配是 see that .... 比如:
See that all the doors are locked before you leave. 一定要看看所有的门都锁好了再走。


Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to see that all subjects, friends and strangers, were taken from the same population.


再扩展一个固定句型: see to it that ....
也表示「确保,务必」,相当于make sure that...。比如:
Can you
see to it that the fax goes this afternoon? 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?


I will see to it that he gets your message.


extraction 来自于动词 extract ,很多同学可能可以猜出来,这是「提取,提炼,开采」的意思。 比如:

oil / mineral / coal, etc. extraction 石油、矿物、煤等的开采

the extraction of salt from the sea 从海水中提取盐

剑桥雅思14 真题里也考过这个词:

Pharmaceutical science and chemistry built on these ancient foundations and perfected the extraction, characterisation, modification and testing of these natural products.


extraction 还有一个熟词僻义,表示「血统,家世,族裔」,惯用搭配是
of...extraction 表示「有…血统;族裔」。比如:

Her real father was of Italian extraction . 她的亲生父亲是意大利裔。

He married a young lady of Indian extraction . 他娶了一位年轻的印度裔女子。


Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction , care was taken to see that all subjects, friends and strangers, were taken from the same population.



figure 作名词,大家比较熟悉的意思是「数字」,比如:

除此之外, figure 还有几个常见的熟词僻义:

1.表示「人物,人士」 (a person of the type mentioned)


Like Steve Jobs, a similarly mercurial figure , the first part of his career ended in failure. 和性情同样反复无常的乔布斯一样,丘吉尔职业生涯的第一阶段也以失败告终。

Hollywood made films about wisecracking, heartbreaking truckers outsmarting policemen and other authority figures . 好莱坞制作了以卡车司机为主角的电影,他们满嘴俏皮话又令人心碎,比警察和其他权威人物智高一筹。

再比如《纽约时报》一篇关于韩国N号房事件的文章曾这样写道: But it makes exceptions when the accused are public figures or are charged with particularly heinous crimes. 但当被告是公众人物或有特别令人发指的罪行时,就会有例外情况。


He positioned himself not as the heir to the Democratic tradition or as a messiah charting the party’s future but as a transitional figure .


考研英语一 2015年Text 1也考过这个词:

But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure. 但是不像海湾地区和亚洲那些绝对专制的皇室,在欧洲大多数皇室都存活了下来,因为他们让选民不用历经磨难就可找到一个不受争议而备受尊重的公众人物。

考研英语二 2011 text 4也考过这个词:

Finally, figures close to the France government have murmured, curo-zone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization: e.g., curbing competition in corporate-tax rates or labour costs.


figure 作名词,还可表示「身材;体形;身段」 (the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body that is attractive) 。比如:

She has a good figure. 她身材很好。

Most women have to watch their figure. 大多数女性不得不注意保持身材。

我们在 推荐一部小众的爱情电影 里也讲过这个用法:

figure 作动词,最常见的用法是:

figure sth out ,表示「弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白」,意思与 work out 相近。

figure 单独使用,还有下面几个意思:

1.表示「 是重要部份;是…的部份」。比如:

The question of the peace settlement is likely to f igur e prominently in the talks. 和平解决的问题很可能是这次谈判的突出重点。

My feelings about the matter didn't seem to figure at all. 我对这个问题的意见似乎根本无足轻重。

2.表示「认为」 (to think or decide that sth will happen or is true) 。比如《纽约时报》一篇关于TikTok的文章有这样一句话:

Mr. Zhang and the investors figured that Facebook, Google and Amazon were under too much antitrust scrutiny. But Microsoft, with its cash hoard of $137 billion, cloud expertise and strong government relationships, could work.



upset 作动词,除了有「 使烦恼」的意思,还可表示「打乱,搅乱」 (to make a plan, situation, etc. go wrong)
比如: He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangements. 他迟到了一个小时,把我们的一切安排都打乱了。

考研英语一2015 年Text 1里也出现过这个词:
California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old assumptions that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.

upset 作动词,还可以用来形容肠胃不舒服。比如:
The soup was revolting and upset my stomach.

upset 还可作名词, a stomach upset 为名词短语,指「肠胃的不适」。比如:
Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset .


It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset , that's all.


upset 作形容词, an upset stomach 也表示「不舒服的肠胃」。比如:
汤姆现在胃不舒服: Tom is suffering from an upset stomach .


say 的含义也很丰富,除了作动词表示「说」,还可用在句中作插入语, ...say... ,表示「比方说,假定」。比如:

If we put out, say, twenty chairs, would that be enough?


let's say 则是一个固定词组,也表示「比方说」。比如:
Let’s say your plan fails, then what?


比如 《科学美国人》一篇关于买什么能带来幸福 的文章有这样一句话:

We all know money can't buy happiness. But according to a recent study, there may be a loophole. A team of researchers finds that shelling out for services that save time can bring greater feelings of life satisfaction than , say, simply buying more stuff. 我们都知道金钱买不到幸福。但最近的一项研究显示,这句话可能存在漏洞。一组研究人员发现,与简单地花钱买更多东西相比,购买能节省时间的服务更能提高人们的生活满意度。

《金融时报》一篇关于职业规划的文章 也用到了say的这个用法:

Graduates could opt for a well-paid job in ,say, finance. If they are lucky, they can expect to sprint from their mid twenties before hitting a career peakin their forties. 例如,毕业生可以选择从事金融等高薪工作。如果幸运的话,他们可以从25岁左右开始冲刺,然后在40多岁达到事业巅峰。

Why would women in Pittsburg have larger breats than, say, women in New York ?

Okay, Okay. Let's say I bought a really great pair of shoes.


novel 作名词是「小说」的意思,作形容词,则表示「新的,新颖的」 (not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting) 新型冠状病毒未被正式命名为COVID-19前,便被称作 the novel coronavirus

novel 的形容词用法在外刊里出镜率也很高,我们来看几个例句:

The early weeks of lockdown, like the virus itself, were novel.


Herd immunity is a phrase normally used when large numbers of children have been vaccinated against a disease like measles, reducing the chances that others will get it. As a tactic in fighting a pandemic for which there is no vaccine, it is novel – and some say alarming. 一般来说,当大量儿童注射麻疹之类的疫苗以减低他人感染该疾病的风险时,人们会使用“群体免疫”这个词。但“群体免疫”作为一种防治策略,抗击暂无疫苗可用的大流行病,这是前所未闻的,有些人对此表示很担忧。


The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.

New, disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applications of the Constitution’s protections.


顺便讲一讲同源词 novelty novelty 作不可数名词,指「新奇 」的感觉,作可数名词,指「令人新奇的事 物」。 比如
Electric-powered cars are still something of a novelty. 电动汽车仍然是一种新鲜玩意儿。
It was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off. 开始的时候在那里工作很有趣,但这股新鲜劲很快就过去了。
新鲜劲过去了 The novelty of sth wore off . 这个表达可以背下来,替换It became boring.

Many countries indulge in culinary mixing, but Americans, who love both novelty and food, are especially keen on it. 许多国家都喜欢混合烹饪, 而美国人这种既喜欢新奇又喜欢食物的人对此尤其钟爱。

考研英语一2012年 Text 3里也出现过novelty这个词:
Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. 新奇的事物本身就经常会招致怀疑。

novelty 还可表示「小玩意儿,廉价的小饰品」。比如:
a selection of novelties and t-shirts 可供选购的各种新鲜玩意和T恤衫

a novelty key-ring 新颖的钥匙圈


swallow 本来是「吞下,咽下」的意思,引申义为「相信,信以为真」。 swallow sth whole 是一个惯用词组,表示「全部信以为真」。


I found her excuse very hard to swallow. 我觉得她的理由很难让人相信。

He told her a pack of lies, but she swallowed it whole.


考研英语一2015年Text 1真题原句:
But the justices should not swallow California’s argument whole. 但是法官们不应该轻易接受加利福利亚州的所有观点。

refrain from sth

refrain from sth 是一个高频词组,表示「避免...,控制自己不要做某事」 (If you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it)

比如公共场合最常见的标语 Please refrain from smoking. 请勿吸烟。
