本研究考察了价值观在指导人们应对新冠中的作用。115个国家(N = 61,490)参与的国际研究结果显示,新冠带来的健康和经济威胁唤起了不同的价值观,其会影响到对疫情的控制与应对。具体来说,健康威胁能预测与照顾他人和归属感有关的共生价值观的优先级,而经济威胁能预测关注竞争与成就的能动价值观的优先级。同时,随着时间推移,共生价值观高于能动价值观的现象,与减少病毒传播的防护行为、帮助其他疫情受害者的动机、对外群体成员的积极态度有关。不论是针对个人水平还是针对国家水平做分析,结果总体上都是一致的。这些结果说明,新冠威胁可能通过影响人们对共生和代理价值观的优先级来间接影响对疫情的重要反应。讨论了理论和实践意义。
The current research examined the role of values in guiding people’s responses to COVID-19. Results from an international study involving 115 countries (N = 61,490) suggest that health and economic threats of COVID-19 evoke different values, with implications for controlling and coping with the pandemic. Specifically, health threats predicted prioritization of communal values related to caring for others and belonging, whereas economic threats predicted prioritization of agentic values focused on competition and achievement. Concurrently and over time, prioritizing communal values over agentic values was associated with enactment of prevention behaviors that reduce virus transmission, motivations to help others suffering from the pandemic, and positive attitudes toward outgroup members. These results, which were generally consistent across individual and national levels of analysis, suggest that COVID-19 threats may indirectly shape important responses to the pandemic through their influence on people’s prioritization of communion and agency. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
论文原文:Edward P. Lemay Jr., Arie W. Kruglanski, Erica Molinario, Maximilian Agostini, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Ben Gützkow, Jannis Kreienkamp, Anne Margit Reitsema, Michelle R. vanDellen, PsyCorona Collaboration & N. Pontus Leander (2023) The role of values in coping with health and economic threats of COVID-19, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 755-772, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2021.1979454
我们调查了在教学背景下,新冠疫情期间违背性别刻板印象的影响,以及在该领域违背性别刻板印象的社会惩罚是否受到性别系统合理化特质的调节。被试(N = 254)对四个假设的教学场景进行评价,实验操纵目标性别(男或女教师)和拒绝回到线下授课的理由(维护自己或维护他人)。结果正如预测一样,性别系统合理化水平高的被试将以自己为理由的女教师评价为最不亲切。与预测不同的是,低性别系统合理化水平的被试将以自己为理由的男教师评价为最不亲切。讨论了对违反性别刻板印象和新冠疫情期间教学工作的影响。
We investigated the effects of gender stereotype violations within the context of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as whether social penalties for violating gender stereotypes in this domain are moderated by trait levels of gender system justification. Participants (N = 254) rated four hypothetical teaching scenarios where target sex (male or female teacher) and reason for refusal to return to in-person teaching (advocating for one’s self vs. advocating for others) were manipulated. Results showed that as predicted, participants with high levels of gender system justification rated self-advocating female teachers least favorably. Unexpectedly, participants with low levels of gender system justification rated self-advocating male teachers least favorably. Implications for gender stereotype violation are discussed as well as implications for those teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
论文原文:Alison Clabaugh, Logan Fields, Juan F. Duque & Emily Brown (2023) Are you advocating for me? Social penalties toward teachers that (dis)confirm gender stereotypes during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 773-788, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2021.2020205
集权主义在社会受到威胁时出现,部分原因是渴望群体安全。因此,我们提出,新冠疫情导致的威胁与集权主义倾向提高有关,而国家认同的升高可以部分解释这一现象。我们于2020年4月在三个不同的国家收集了横断数据,以此检验该假设。研究1中,爱尔兰的数据(N = 1276)显示,疫情威胁可以预测国家认同提高,其反过来又可以预测集权主义。研究2在有代表性的英国样本(N = 506)中重复了这一间接效应。研究3中,我们,使用了另一种测量方式测量美国样本(N = 429)的集权主义,仍在概念上复制了这一结果。美国数据还显示,与保守派相比,威胁与集权主义倾向的联系在进步派中更强。讨论了本文结果,并将其与群体的集权主义模型相联系。
Authoritarianism emerges in times of societal threat, in part driven by desires for group-based security. As such, we propose that the threat caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with increased authoritarian tendencies and that this can be partially explained by increased national identification. We tested this hypothesis by collecting cross-sectional data from three different countries in April 2020. In Study 1, data from Ireland (N = 1276) showed that pandemic threat predicted increased national identification, which in turn predicted authoritarianism. In Study 2, we replicated this indirect effect in a representative UK sample (N = 506). In Study 3, we used an alternative measure of authoritarianism and conceptually replicated this effect among USA citizens (N = 429). In this US sample, the association between threat and authoritarian tendencies was stronger among progressives compared to conservatives. Findings are discussed and linked to group-based models of authoritarianism.
论文原文:Paul J. Maher, Jenny Roth, Siobhán Griffin, Aoife Marie Foran, Sarah Jay, Cillian McHugh, Megan Ryan, Daragh Bradshaw, Michael Quayle & Orla T Muldoon (2023) Pandemic threat and group cohesion: national identification in the wake of COVID-19 is associated with authoritarianism, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 789-805, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2021.2024122
新冠疫情的全球性爆发给日常生活的很多领域带来了突发的变化,也让未来增加了不确定性。本文进行了两项研究,调查了疫情期间依恋模式与精神健康的关联,无法容忍不确定性(intolerance of uncertainty ,IOU)在其中的中介作用,以及与社会关系和自我认知相关的因素。在疫情爆发背景下进行的第一项研究表明,当时,高焦虑依恋水平的个体有更多消极情绪,而积极情绪更少。而无法容忍不确定性和感知到的社会支持在其中起中介作用。疫情开始几个月后进行的第二项研究显示,焦虑和回避依恋与疫情期间感知到的压力有关联。研究2还表明,无法容忍不确定性在焦虑依恋与压力之间起中介作用,而凝聚感(sense of coherence, SOC)可以中介焦虑依恋、回避依恋和压力之间的关联。这些发现强调了不确定性的不良心理影响,特别是对人际支持基础薄弱的个体的不良影响。因此,强调需要采取措施减少不确定性,尤其是紧急事态下的不确定性。
The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic created sudden changes in many areas of daily life and increased uncertainty about the future. Two studies examined the association between attachment patterns and mental well-being during the pandemic, the mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty (IOU), and factors related to social relationships and self-perceptions. The results of the first study, conducted at the outbreak of the pandemic, indicated that individuals with high levels of attachment anxiety experienced more negative emotions and fewer positive emotions at that time, and that IOU and perceived social support mediated these associations. The results of the second study, conducted several months into the pandemic, indicated an association between attachment anxiety and avoidance, and perceived stress during the time of the pandemic. Results of Study 2 also indicated that IOU mediated the association between attachment anxiety and stress, and that sense of coherence (SOC) mediated the association between attachment anxiety and avoidance, and stress. These findings underscore the adverse psychological effects of uncertain situations, especially for individuals with a fragile foundation of interpersonal support, thus emphasizing the need for action to reduce uncertainty, especially in times of emergency.
论文原文:Yitshak Alfasi (2023) We only know that we don’t know: attachment patterns and psychological coping during the COVID-19 pandemic – the mediation role of intolerance of uncertainty, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 806-825, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2061326
疫情在很多方面影响了社会关系,甚至通过疫苗创造了新的社会群体。本研究的目的是探索能否在资源分配任务中观察到疫苗接种状态形成的群体间歧视。被试(N = 818; M年龄 = 46.0岁)在实验中完成资源分配任务。结果显示,被试普遍存在优于常人效应,都觉得自己比别人知道更多疫情信息。资源分配任务显示,在群体间情况下,被试倾向于创造有利于其群体的最大差异,但在目标群体成员身份相同时决策会更公平。此外,与未接种疫苗的人相比,接种疫苗的人更可能采取最大差异策略。结果显示,接种状态会改变对群体间情况的看法,这对未来处理与本次疫情相似的紧急情况很有意义。
The pandemic has affected social relations in many ways, and even created new social groups through vaccination. The goal of this study was to explore whether intergroup discrimination regarding vaccination status can be observed in a resource allocation task. Participants (N = 818; Mage = 46.0 years) completed a resource allocation task. Results showed that the better-than-average effect was widespread among the participants as most of them perceived themselves more informed about the pandemic than others. The resource allocation task showed participants preferred to create maximum difference in favor of their group in intergroup situations, but decisions were fairer when targets’ group membership was identical. Moreover, vaccinated people were more likely to use maximum difference strategies than non-vaccinated people. The results revealed that vaccination status changes the perception of intergroup situations, which may be important in planning future strategies to handle mass emergencies similar to the current pandemic.
论文原文:Balázs Jagodics & Éva Szabó (2023) Is intergroup discrimination triggered by vaccination status? Exploring some social aspects of vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 826-840, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2085074
In this study, we hypothesized that traditionalist social attitudes (conservatism, religiousness, and authoritarianism) significantly predict COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs (Hiding Information and Harmless Virus), as well as conspiracy mentality in general. We also hypothesized that these relationships are mediated by the objectivity of the media through which individuals inform themselves, and the frequency with which people informed themselves about the pandemic. The sample consisted of 341 participants from Serbia (mean age 33.51 years), of which 40.5% were women. The results revealed that conservatism predicts both conspiracy belief sets and conspiracy mentality, authoritarianism only COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, and religiousness only beliefs that the virus is harmless. Media objectivity does not mediate these relationships. The frequency of informing is a significant mediator only of the relationships between authoritarianism, and conspiracy beliefs and conspiracy mentality, indicating that the role of seeking information is in reducing the threat perceived by more authoritarian individuals. The study reveals that media objectivity might not play a role in reducing conspiracy beliefs. An explanation might be found in the importance of the perceived credibility of the media.
论文原文:Tijana Karić & Janko Međedović (2023) Do media objectivity and frequency of informing mediate the relationship between traditionalist social attitudes and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs?, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 841-854, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2093151
In this study, an explanatory model of protective behaviors against COVID-19 transmission based on the theory of planned behavior is tested using a sample of 904 individuals by adding two relevant variables in the COVID-19 context: skepticism and responsibility toward COVID-19 transmission. Responsibility and the intention to behave in a protective way act as mediators in predicting protective behaviors. The model is invariant between younger and older people, although some path differences were found: the perception that individuals have about the extent to which their reference group adopts protective behaviors directly influences individual protective behavior for younger but not older people, for whom subjective social norms were only indirect predictors of such behavior. Additionally, the rates in all the variables showed that the group under 35 took more risks in the context of protective behaviors against COVID-19: they exhibited more skepticism, lower behavioral control, perceived fewer positive social norms regarding protective behaviors, felt less responsible for spreading the disease, had less intention to behave in a protective way, and finally adopted fewer protective behaviors. Developers of intervention strategies and campaigns should contemplate such variables and focus on differences according to age.
论文原文:Esther Cuadrado, Carmen Tabernero & Miguel A. Maldonado Herves (2023) A planned behavior theory-based explanatory model of protective behavior against COVID-19, with an age perspective, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 855-876, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2099241
2020年3月世界卫生组织宣布新冠扩散为全球性疫情以来,一直有人提出阴谋理论。本研究调查了新冠背景下,不同内群体认同形式在预测阴谋论思维中的作用。我们假设民族自恋(即,相信内群体非常伟大,而这依赖于外部验证,会使内群体成员对心理威胁很敏感)可以正向预测阴谋论思维,而稳定的国家认同(即,拥有自信的内群体评价,而这可以缓冲心理威胁)能负向预测阴谋论思维。在有代表性的波兰成年人样本(N = 650)中进行纵向研究,收集了三次数据。民族自恋可以正向预测阴谋论思维,而国家认同可以负向预测阴谋论思维。我们进一步证明,随着时间推移,阴谋论思维增强了民族自恋(但没有增强国家认同)。讨论了对群体内和群体间过程。
Since March 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the spread of COVID-19 a global pandemic, conspiracy theories have continued to rise. This research examines the role of different forms of in-group identity in predicting conspiracy thinking in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. We hypothesized that conspiracy thinking would be predicted positively by national narcissism (i.e., a belief in in-group’s greatness which is contingent on its external validation and makes in-group members sensitive to psychological threats) but negatively by secure national identification (i.e., a confidently held ingroup evaluation, which serves as a buffer against psychological threats). In a three-wave longitudinal study conducted on a representative sample of adult Poles (N = 650), conspiracy thinking was positively predicted by national narcissism, but negatively by national identification. Further, we found evidence that conspiracy thinking strengthened national narcissism (but not national identification) over time. Implications for intra- and intergroup processes are discussed.
论文原文:Paulina Górska, Marta Marchlewska, Dagmara Szczepańska, Zuzanna Molenda, Piotr Michalski & Aleksandra Furman (2023) A vicious circle? Longitudinal relationships between different modes of in-group identity and COVID-19 conspiracy thinking, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 877-894, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2111250
对新冠的阴谋论(COVID-19 conspiracy theories, CCT)和对新冠的恐惧(fear of the coronavirus, FCV)都与人们的安全感及对疫苗的认可程度有关。在波兰,学校教师属于优先接种疫苗的群体。我们进行了三项横断研究(N1 = 1006; N2 = 1689; N3 = 627),以找出学校教师的新冠阴谋论信念和新冠恐惧在预测安全感(sense of safety, SoS; 研究1–3)、对疫苗效果的看法(研究2-3)和儿童疫苗认可度(研究3)时的潜在交互作用。通过三项研究,我们发现,只有当新冠恐惧低时,新冠阴谋论信念才与更低安全感相关。比阴谋论支持者相比,不太相信新冠阴谋论的教师,更相信疫苗的效果,但疫苗效果与对新冠的恐惧无关。然而,对新冠阴谋论得分处于平均或更高分数的教师而言,新冠恐惧与疫苗效果信念有关。不论是否支持新冠阴谋论,新冠恐惧都与为儿童接种疫苗的认同度正相关。根据现有文献及其在公共卫生中的潜在用途进行了讨论。
The co-occurrence of COVID-19 conspiracy theories (CCT) and fear of the coronavirus (FCV) can be linked to how safe people feel and how much they endorse vaccinations. School teachers were one of the vaccination priority groups in Poland. We conducted three cross-sectional studies (N1 = 1006; N2 = 1689; N3 = 627) to find out the potential interaction effects of CCT belief and FCV in predicting sense of safety (SoS; Studies 1–3), opinions about vaccinations efficacy (Studies 2–3) and endorsement of vaccinations of children (Study 3) among school teachers. In all three studies, the belief in CCT was related to lower SoS only when FCV was low. For low CCT belief, although the belief in vaccination efficacy was higher than for CCT endorsers, it was unrelated to FCV. However, for high and average CCT belief, FCV was linked to belief in vaccination efficacy. FCV was positively related to acceptance of vaccinating children on all levels of CCT endorsement. The results are discussed in light of the available literature and their potential use in public health.
论文原文:Iwona Nowakowska, Milena Markiewicz, Daniel Pankowski, Kinga Wytrychiewicz-Pankowska, Anna Banasiak & Ewa Pisula (2023) Sense of safety and opinions about COVID-19 vaccinations in Polish school teachers: the role of conspiracy theories belief and fear of COVID-19, The Journal of Social Psychology, 163:6, 895-916, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2022.2151404