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新兴材料 | 墨西哥建成世界最大ETFE膜外壁足球场

新材料参考  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-04-15 10:22



11 April 2018 :The world’s largest mosaic façade made using single layer ETFE film has been produced for Mexico’s first division football club, FC Puebla.

2018年4月11日:全球最大的马赛克外观单层ETFE膜已经用于墨西哥第一足球俱乐部FC Puebla的足球场。

The newly renovated traditional stadium Cuauhtémoc in the Mexican highlands rises to a height of 40 meters and the façade is made of more than 30,000 square meters of film.


Nowofol Kunststoffprodukte extruded the films from the high-performance material 3M Dyneon ETFE, making the film lightweight, which enabled it to build the stadium with 1,500 tons of steel less than a comparable glass façade.

Nowofol Kunststoffprodukte 公司采用3M公司的高性能Dyneon ETFE挤出成膜,使得膜非常轻。采用该膜建造的钢结构比用玻璃少1500吨。

The company manufactured the NOWOFLON ET 6235Z film for the project in Mexico in three shades and with a thickness of 200 micrometres.

该公司为墨西哥的项目生产NOWOFLON ET 6235Z膜,该膜有三种颜色,200微米厚度。

In the production of films made of 3M Dyneon ETFE, no plasticisers are required and due to ETFE resistance of most chemicals, this allows the stadium to cope with the hot and humid climate.

这些膜由 3M Dyneon ETFE生产,不需采用增塑剂,由于ETFE可以抵抗大多数化学品,这使得体育场可以应对高热和潮湿气候。

Instead of the 2,500 tons of steel required for a glass construction, 1,000 tons are sufficient for the ETFE façade, a savings of 60 percent, due to the weight per unit area of ETFE being around 95 percent lower than glass.






产品 | ETFE膜助力美国银行体育场的顶棚进入创新奖决赛

材料知识 | 跟F叫兽重新认识Amazon的新总部“Spheres”

决策参考 | 3M公司独特的创新企业文化
