看颜色抓重点: ■ 释义
There's one thing you don't want to be known for and that is a snitch. That 'll make you look terrble, especially if people find out that you did snitch.
A snitch is someone who secretly tells someone in authority,that someone else has done something bad, often to cause trouble,"Snitch" meaning "informer" is indeed an older word, dating back to the late 18th century.
It is a cultural slang word. This means that there's a group of people who believe that no one should be a snitch. It is called the no-snitch policy, and I someone gets caught being a snitch then they are putting themselves in danger.
Common saying:Snitches get stitches.
The bad thing about the no snitch policy is that it lets criminals get away freely.
Here, let us look at some example sentence:
If you tell mom I broke her phone you're being a little snitch.
Example 2:
At least the police will catch the criminal, I don't care about being a snitch.
Example 3 :
Someone said that you snitch on people.I don't trust you.