专栏名称: 名师联室内设计智库
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名师联室内设计智库  · 公众号  · 家居  · 2017-05-04 08:41













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宾利设计是家具质量在英国和爱尔兰的领先供应商之一。 我们的完整的范围由四个单独的软件集合,所有这些接受我们致力于毫不妥协的品质和独特的设计。 我们的签名和总理集合高品质的木材和胶合板是富含性格,并提供一个持久的吸引力制作。结合了广阔的选择的面料和卓越的五金制品,这些藏品拥有一些最独特的餐厅和卧室的范围左右。画廊收集拥有专为更多的现代家居,完美平衡的品质和设计,多功能性和功能性,而我们的床头装饰床架相结合的综合选择设计,完成的作品和尺寸适合的任何口味的卧室。 宾利设计:捕捉最好的最新的市场趋势,以创造更好的生活设计...

范思哲(VERSACE)于1978年由20世纪最具天赋的设计师GIANNI VERSACE建立。今天,VERSACE集团已经成为了意大利奢侈品的典范享誉世界。 公司的设计、制作和零售分销的奢侈产品,种类广泛,从高级手工女装到时尚成衣,从珠宝首饰到香水,从家具到细瓷器皿等等各种领域都有范思哲(VERSACE)产品的身影。 并且由于范思哲(VERSACE)室内设计制作室的建立,范思哲(VERSACE)商店中的迷人魅力和奢华的感受得以移植到我们的日常生活中。从高档的酒店和旅游景点到各类私人住宅,都可以看到范思哲(VERSACE)的时尚诠释。

意大利高端手工品牌Ulivi Salotti家具成立于1972年,一直保持着手工制作的特点,Ulivi公司成为沙发和椅子制造市场中的佼佼者。出于对历史和传统的尊重,托斯卡纳区是一个可以孕育优秀制造商的地方。40年的时间里,真皮和木材成为我们文化和生活中的主要材料。 40年的经验告诉我们,我们需要运用新的技术改进产品,并向着永恒的现代风格完善我们的设计。顶级质量的原材料、专业的工匠和原创的设计造就了我们的成功。一个公司设计制度的完善要与市场新趋势和市场演变相结合,研究出不同的解决方案需跟上我们制定生产的高水平。不仅是业务方面,对于消费者和环境的责任也需要具备很强的自我意识。Ulivi Salotti通过使用天然真皮制作,使用从大自然提炼出的油漆、蜂蜡进行表面处理以及纯手工填充,为市场提供大量的环保产品。Ulivi Salotti是全球品牌承认的最好的意大利制造之一。 Ulivi市场表现成功的原因可以在Ulivi家族古老而深远的知识文化中得到解释,Ulivi能够将真皮和木材转换成艺术形式表现出来。为市场提供珍贵且高品质的产品是我们的使命。这家公司是典型的意大利家族企业,生产工艺介于手工和现代工业之间。1972年Ulivi建立了这家公司并且至今领导着企业的发展。我们的历史告诉大家,托斯卡纳区是一个孕育着能将传统一代代传承下去的全世界最好的制造商的地方。 我们会挑选最珍贵的芯材和真皮,并且每件产品的特殊设计和手工工艺质量都经过严格的把关。我们的产品一直很注重环保并符合环保标准。手工工艺与最先进的机械设备一起制作出最好最具耐久性的产品。我们结合手工技能和高级技术的双重概念为客户提供卓越的风格和质量。

Ofifran is a Spanish company that specializes in manufacturing and designing office furniture, high-end managerial offices, meeting tables, counters and sofas. Our products have been created in a Mediterranean style and developed by professionals alongside internationally recognized designers. Some of the latest projects furnished with our furniture include embassies, Vip offices , CEO offices, contract installations and government buildings.

由于Luciano Zonta创始人的创造性和开放精神,公司在家具行业不断开拓进取,以其独特个性和活力脱颖而出。用产品说话,我们的研究将传统与创新结合在一起,旨在创造经久不衰的家具产品。Luciano Zonta的经营理念一直深受品牌粉丝的认可。Luciano Zonta的产品一直紧跟市场潮流,Luciano Zonta的产品总是遵循室内设计师和客户的意见以把握正确的工作方向;家居氛围和家具装饰在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用,成为我们生活中相伴相形不可或缺的一部分。我们的产品可以帮助客户发掘自己的内心。 对Luciano Zonta而言质量是我们必须确保和捍卫的重点,我们每天都在不懈努力,从而保持我们的市场地位并发展品牌价值,获得客户认可。Luciano Zonta致力于保证产品的可靠性。该公司一直追求产品的最佳特并满足不同客户的需求。

前称Rima Vetraria 的豪华家具品牌Rimadesio 始于1956 年,由Francesco Malberti 和Luigi Riboldi 携手创立,其总部设在意大利米兰的廸斯奥区(Desio)。五十多年来,Rimadesio 以其专业技术与源源不绝的灵感,制作出无数创意玻璃产品,它们所展现的大师级工艺和别出心裁的设计,均获得用家及业界人士的广泛认同。Rimadesio 主要运用玻璃及铝合金作为设计产品系列的原材,透过其高度环保和极具可塑性的特点来实现品牌的创意设计概念。最新推出的重点制作技术,乃是揉合涂漆玻璃的「环保色彩系统」(Ecolorsystem),其色调选择包括:40 种RAL 国际劳尔色卡标准颜色、五种带有反光效果的金属色,以及五种不透光的暗哑颜色。除了逾40种色调外,玻璃质料同样式式俱备,顾客可选择通透反光、磨沙、镜面、双层或颜色玻璃原材。Rimadesio的滑动嵌板组合采用设计时尚的上置式轨道,关时顺畅宁静。Rimadesio 的系统设计以功能目标为本,适用于细分环境空间,而不影响空间之延续性,展现室内建筑的典雅形貌。门户、居室门、敞式嵌板、巨型衣柜皆起到了增添室内环境空间的可观性与实际用途。凭藉独家研发的创新技术和与别不同的设计方案,品牌能提供种类繁多兼符合欧洲各项标准的高质产品:精心选用不同款式的玻璃与色彩,匠心独运地献上可以改善日常生活的完美主意。

Floriano Quaia opens his first carpentry workshop: a small studio where furniture is made with the aim of lasting a lifetime.
The eldest, Francesca, is the first to work alongside her father in the business and, as assuming responsibility for the commercial direction of the company, is pivotal in steering it along the road to internationalisation.
2005 sees the setting up of the first international base for the company, in the city of Moscow. Warm and harmonious Italian spirit meets the essence of regal Russia and the two succeed in winning one another over.
Second daughter Federica, having specialised in the worldwide branding of luxury goods, takes over all aspects of image and communication within the company, thus assuming marketing and artistic control.

Third-born Lorenzo completes the transition to the fourth generation. Specialising in project research and development as well as highly technical products, he becomes head of the technical production division.
The Home line is completely revised and relaunched with the aim of offering, under the Oasis label, a complete and coordinated luxury interiors package inspired by the language of cosmopolitan and contemporary style.
2013 sees monobrand flagship showrooms opening in both London and Hong Kong.

Fratelli Radice是布里安扎古典家具行业中一个具有象征性的商标,1920年,Adolfo Radice在塞维索(米兰与科莫的间的一个小镇)的一个家庭小店开始从事真正雕刻的经营活动。上个世纪六十年代初,他的两个儿子Gianfranco和 Carlo继承了父亲的衣钵,着手管理这份基业,并将之由一个小店变成了古典家具行业的一家企业,命名为Fratelli Radice,继承并发扬了全手工加工的工艺。对风格的选择几乎是强制性的,在布里安扎,已经存在一种法国风格的传统家具,可以追溯到拿破伦时期,这一时期,法国的贵族们追求天然木制家具的高品位,后来, 风行全世界。一个已经定案的选择,昨天和今天一样,工艺礼品加工的激情,需要世界上最古老的工具参与,这就是人类的双手。 今天,这种源于黄褐色的经营活动仍然在继续,个性化的手工工艺,具有高度的专业性,一个多世纪以来,传承着家族文化,设计创新,家大业大,可以提供各种各样风格,尺寸以及光洁度的个性化家具。在其自有的工厂内部,制造餐厅,客厅,卧室,书房,侧室,厨房,浴室家具,门及术制品。独特的家具,独特的设计,独特的合作。在针对不同目标市场的基础上,公司开发采用不同的款式,着眼于自产家具与最负盛名的私人宅第搭配,与全世界各地的大使馆搭配,与宾馆的套间,接待室和赌场搭配。今天的Fratelli Radice,是一家独具特色传统的企业,秉承继承人的承诺,保持必要的活力,确保创新提升,产品优质,从米兰出发,满足世界各地对室内古典家具的热情需求。

Antolini Luigi & C. is rooted in over 50 years of experience. Constantly evolving, the company has always supported new technology and development in natural stone processing – without forgetting the importance of quality.

Formenti, Leader in the production of prestigious and quality furnishings, from always works in the field selecting materials and finishes according to rigorous criteria. Formenti offers a wide range of products, from sofas and armchairs, tables and chairs to different furnishing items, completely adaptable to the needs of every single customer. Thanks to the attention of the design and the persevering research of materials, we have created inimitable characteristics and styles, maintaining leather and details approaches as undisputed protagonists. Formenti invites you to discover, through its range of products, the true essence of the “Made in Italy”.

1940年,Bruno Longhi的父亲和母亲在帕尔马,将他们的创意转化为高品质产品。他们的每一件产品都堪称艺术品,精细到每一个细节,包括皮革装饰、木制家具、箱包皮具等等。高品质和品牌的独特风格是Longhi与众不同的元素。20世纪90年代Longhi人气上涨,极受热爱精致高雅风格的消费者欢迎。如今,在意大利之家,您可以直接采购定制到Longhi的任意产品。 意大利家居设计中对品味的注重在Longhi这里得到了充分的印证。Longhi有自己恢宏的智慧设计体系,从不盲目随波逐流,骨子里有着逼人贵气与气质。这种不张扬的华丽,内敛的气度使它深受世界各地广大新贵们的青睐,几乎成为新贵的御用家居品牌。

意大利家具Pigoli品牌是高品质家具的代表,专业生产高档房屋的搭配家具。在设计上选择性地继承了最佳传统风格的室内设计。将沙发,扶手椅,还有一些可组合的元素重新进行组合,在风格和样式上给予创新。不仅如此,Pigoli家具都是采用精湛的手工技术加工制作而成,所选取的原材料也是精挑细选出来的。 产品:Pigoli任何一件产品都是按照最高的质量标准生产的,采用独特而典型的传统艺术品加工技术,所选取的都是珍贵独特的原材料,然后利用先进可靠的技术来维持材料的稳定性,使产品持久耐用。 Pigoli每一件产品都具有以下特征: 坚固的实木结构 使用双锥形钢弹簧和紧致有力的皮带来保持家具的形状 内部软包和聚氨酯扶手软硬程度不一,有不同的厚度和密度,选择性多样 靠背和坐垫都采用100%的白色棉作为里衬。内部由羽绒和多密度聚氨酯泡沫填充,沙发的形状和外观得到了保障。 Pigoli品牌每件产品有多种面料供客户选择,当然客户也可以要求使用自己的真皮或布艺。

OUR COMPANY For more than 70 years, our company has been inspired by artisan tradition and culture, leading us to design and create, day in and day out, furnishings and interiors that truly mirror the sophisticated desires and tastes of homeowners the world over. And everything is guaranteed by the utmost attention and control during every step of the production process. 公司 对于超过70年,我们公司一直启发工匠的传统和文化,引领我们去设计和创建,一天又一天,家具和室内设计,真正反映房主的复杂的欲望和口味的世界各地。所有的一切都被高度重视和控制生产过程中的每一步都得到保证。

The implementation of an area dedicated to wellness is a significant investment, an assessment involving careful analysis and requiring the assistance of someone who really knows about the matter. From the smallest to the most extensive project, the first advice we give you is to make an appointment with one of our consultants who, after visiting your structure, will listen to your needs and make you a personalized offer. To help you make an easier and more peaceful choice, we have also developed – with our sales network – an exclusive service whose numerous references will allow you to experience Starpool’s world of wellness. You will be given the opportunity to try one of our creations, accompanied by our representative. The direct experience and best tool to learn about our world.

Boffi创始于1934年,于1940年代设立了第一个工厂,因为产品不断创新的精神以及对工艺质量的坚持,Boffi已成为顶级厨具代名词。 设计大师Philippe Starck与Giorgio Armani;丹麦王储Prince Joachim、英国王室、德国首相及目前车 王Michael Schumacher;知名艺人Madonna、Dustin Hoffman、Robert De Niro等,都是Boffi的爱好者。 在全世界,Boffi就等同于顶级橱柜,但Boffi的产品远不止这些,厨房浴室(家装及器具,包括卫浴配件、灯饰、镜子等)以及Norbert Wangen(德国一橱柜公司,成立于2003年)。Boffi的生产根植于传统的木工,技术以及不断创新的元素,使得精致得工艺成为boffi最大得特色。在过去得六十多年里,Boffi的设计和生产方式极大地改变了厨房家具领域的方方面面。 正如Boffi集团第三代老板Mr.Roberto Gavazzi所说:「Boffi的设计,必须亲自去接触、去抚摸、去使用,才能慢慢发现它的深层内涵。」 1940年开发了第一套整体厨房单元 1950 - 1972 Dino Boffi 将设计引入厨房,定位BOFFI为高端厨柜品牌,也将电器嵌入了橱柜。

Jumbo,既代表着品质,又是正宗意大利制造的代名词。 Jumbo公司隶属Qualita Cantu 2001财团旗下,坐落于Cantu市。 意大利家具品牌Jumbo的目标就是在手工家具领域内不断地精益求精,贯彻并推广真正的“意大利制造”的理念。且合作的公司也都严格按照手工制造的标准去制作Jumbo独具品味的产品。“Qualita Cantu”的名字让所有Jumbo Collection的产品名扬四海。 意大利制造商保护协会还授予了Jumbo Collection“100%意大利制造”的殊荣,证明了Jumbo Collection不仅仅是名副其实的意大利制造,也认可了Jumbo Collection的产品品质。

Laminam produce ceramic slabs with sizes ranging from 1000x3000 to 1620x3240 mm and thicknesses from 3 to 20 mm. People, ideas, inventions. The ability to think outside the box, innovating from matter, without suffering from the constraints of consolidated practices. This is how new paradigms are born: reference models and benchmarks which become a model, offering new solutions. This is Laminam. We started from a profound knowledge of the methods, techniques and products in our original sector, to identify new paths. 

Founded by Adolph Schonbek in 1870, the name Schonbek carries a reputation for innovation in the crystal lighting industry. The former Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I of Habsburg awarded Schonbek a personal crest - a crest that remains the iconic brand logo to this day. For more than 140 years, the Schonbek name has carried with it a reputation as a change maker in lighting, revolutionizing the industry. Since its inception, Schonbek has been synonymous with authentic, handcrafted crystal lighting of the highest heirloom quality. Continuing Schonbek's long tradition of chandelier making, each Schonbek piece is proudly designed, engineered and hand made in Plattsburgh, NY, U.S.A.

Una caratteristica del progetto Tecno e della sua alta qualità, è la realizzazione, insieme alla produzione in serie, anche di alcuni progetti definiti “speciali” o “su misura”. Una specificità della produzione Tecno che trova le sue origini nell’Atelier ABV di Gaetano Borsani negli anni venti e in quella sapienza artigianale fatta di conoscenza dei materiali e abilità costruttiva degli oggetti. Oggi i progetti “su misura” della Tecno riguardano una vasta gamma di interventi realizzati ad hoc su richiesta di singoli clienti, che portano molto spesso Tecno a lavorare insieme agli architetti, ottenendo così prodotti unici sia nelle caratteristiche estetiche che funzionali. Le tipologie dei lavori su misura variano dai piccoli interventi per uffici d’alto livello alle realizzazioni per edifici di grandi dimensioni quali aeroporti, stazioni, musei o palazzi per uffici.

作为制造商和设计实验室,UniFor研究和调查能够满足特定项目需求的原创性解决方案:系列产品和特殊订单相结合,实现定制设计和个性化创造。致力于造型、技术和产品类型的创新,UniFor公司使用具有较高审美和功能价值的工业设计组件制造产品,精心挑选原材料并采用先进的加工方法。 因此,UniFor公司是一家集设计和生产为一体的企业,实现了尖端工业流程与手工技艺的共存,并且能够适应客户的具体需求。公司尤其擅长大规模项目。兼容并包的国际形象以及与设计师紧密协作的关系成为公司的主要特色。从公司成立之初(1969年)就制定出公司设计制造的准则为:注重研究和发展。 UniFor是22届 ADI Compasso d ' Oro奖的得主(2011)。设计品牌领导者

Some companies in Italy have exclusive qualities: they are original and creative with an aesthetic sensibility and a strong sense of tradition. Their capacities are not just restricted to creative thought but have deeper roots because they know how to work with their hands as well as their heart. ArteArredo Schleret is one such company.

意大利家具品牌BAZZI木质材质是我们整个生产的起点。我们的家具产品只使用木质材质。我们自己精心选择木材、细心呵护,直至其被采伐并变为精美的家具产品。对木材进行雕刻之时,就是将灵感和设计永远应用于实木之中。 我们所有的家具产品都是由专业工艺工匠手工打造而成,他们多年以来一直使用同样的工具。这类工具称为“Ferri”(意大利语表示“工具”),工具的大小和形状各不相同,每种工具都适用于不同种类的雕刻。毋庸置疑的是,雕刻工匠的工具是其双手的自然延伸和拓展:对产品充满的灵感和激情引导并发展了这种娴熟的工艺。 这就是意大利制造的精髓所在。上面描述的所有行为都是在我们位于Brianza的Camnago工厂进行的。所有的一切都是在那里的工厂进行生产的。我们就是产品的制造商和生产商。这都是百分之百真正由意大利制造的。但我们并不仅仅进行雕刻;多年以来我们已经开发出了另一项古老的意大利工艺:镶嵌。镶嵌是一种薄木片的无缝结合,一种设计和工艺的巧妙结合。多年以来,这种工艺与雕刻工艺已经成为我们公司另一种匠心独具的特色。 精美镶嵌工艺的奥秘在于对细节的专注:对细节的尽善尽美使精美的家具产品不同于艺术作品。但是为了保留和强调雕刻和镶嵌这种精美艺术的美感,您必须亲自完成最后的装饰。这就是为什么我们在很早之前就决定所有的装饰都要在我们工厂内部完成。我们密切关注于整个装饰过程,因为我们要确保最终产品的品相与我们预期和想象中的完全一致。

家庭是一个需要全心奉献和充满激情的地方,容不得半点怠慢。出于这个原因,家庭也像是一个实验室,产生梦想,并一步步将它实现。梦想的实现不该由设计决定,不需要形式和大小的规定,也不要求丰富的经验和创造力,就像高品质的材料需要技艺高超的工匠来裁定一样。企业就像是团结在一起的家庭,需要充满工作热情和对新产品勇于探究的精神。 结合关注每个细节和整体概况,结合抽象和具体,结合勇气与耐心,Riva Mobili D’arte是由Francesco和Fabiana Riva组成的一个大家庭,助您实现梦想和愿望。


 意大利品牌灯饰Voltolina商标是玻璃和刻花玻璃的同义词。1984年,Voltolina兄弟,继承了悠久的威尼斯传统玻璃制作工艺,决定制作灯光系统需要的高质量刻花玻璃以丰富他们的生产链。 对原材料的选择和创新技术的运用让公司达到全世界范围内最高水平。 现今,最大的生产基地占地80000平米,室内面积达30000平米,有超过700人的雇员。Voltolina在西班牙、罗马尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯有规模稍小但有重要战略意义的生产基地。除刻花玻璃外,2000年,公司还制作艺术玻璃(姆莱诺手工玻璃和质量上等的无铅玻璃)。 公司拥有多种不同的生产工艺,产品入驻了世界各地的市场(在威尼斯、纽约、卡萨布兰卡、迪拜都有展厅)。 2001年,公司推出了一款全新的灯具支架产品——Leonardo体系,有了这一支架体系,灯具不必接触电子部件就可进行组装,让整个过程变得更迅速、更安全。使用过新产品的客户都迅速做出反馈,表示新产品既为整个室内装饰锦上添花,又提高了安全性。

The birth of a brand through the story of a life: the passion for art and for Italian artisanship has represented for Gabriella Bertotti the opportunity to express an extraordinary creative nature.
Here starts the prestigious cooperation with the designer Silvia Broggian.
The DILUCE brand represents the personal victory of Massimo Soffiato and the affirmation of a project of diversification of Beby Italy production, bringing it into innovation and modernity in the high profile of the lighting industry.
Every model has itself hundreds of years of artisanship works and Italian experience in creating art objects of inestimable value.
A value which is given by the absolute craftsmanship that provides the tools and skills needed to create unique pieces, custom made and exclusive products, where the extreme care for details is ensuring the excellence of each product, on which based, as always, the identity and philosophy of the company.

In 2005, Bocci was founded in a red barn surrounded by hay fields, on the periphery of Vancouver, Canada. The company launched with one product, 14, which became an instant classic and remains a design staple and bestseller. Today, Bocci has a growing portfolio of contemporary design ranging from light installations through to furniture and electrical sockets. All Bocci designs are developed, engineered, and fabricated in-house through an infrastructure calibrated to provide full control over technique, quality, and scale. With headquarters in Vancouver and Berlin, Bocci operates as a co-operative community of designers, architects, craftspeople, technicians, agents, governance bodies, testing facilities, raw material suppliers, and fine shops. We strive for a healthy, flexible, and stable network united by the goal of creating and delivering extraordinary objects. Bocci is committed to participating in the speed of contemporary culture. We hold strong inventories and command a worldwide warehousing network in order to accommodate short lead times. In many cases, our products are shipped within 24 hours of an order. Bocci Creative Director Omer Arbel explores the intrinsic mechanical, physical, and chemical qualities of materials as fundamental departure points for making work. His interdisciplinary practice spans multiple scales and cultural-economic contexts to include architecture, industrial design, materials research, sculpture, invention, and high craft manufacturing. Arbel’s work has been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Spazio Rossana Orlandi, Mallett, and the Monte Clark Gallery, among others.

BRAND VAN EGMOND is a Dutch lighting design brand and an international trendsetter in exclusive handcrafted decorative lighting.
The brand and studio were founded in 1989 with the sole intension to create art without restraints. 
William Brand (owner/ designer) graduated at the Utrecht School of the Arts in the Netherlands, where he was trained as an architect. The first lighting sculpture ‘Chandelier’ became an instant icon. The passion for lighting sculptures results in an impressive collection, with yearly additions of new designs. As all the BrandvanEgmond lighting sculptures are handmade, they are frequently asked to customise for specific clients and projects across the world.

The history of JAB ANSTOETZ began in 1946, as Josef Anstoetz founded a wholesale enterprise for decorative and furnishing fabrics in Bielefeld, Josef Anstoetz Bielefeld (JAB). Step by step, the fabric wholesale business grew into a group of companies which operates with its ca. 1.300 employees in over 80 countries on five continents . Together with the associate companies JAB Anstoetz Fabrics, JAB Anstoetz Carpets, Chivasso, Soleil Bleu par Wellmann, Carpet Concept, Gardisette and JAB Furniture, the JAB ANSTOETZ Group possesses a high level of international competence in the field of home, living and furnishing.

Founded over a century ago, in 1888, Lalique has endured as the ultimate symbol of French luxury. One of the jewels in the crown of France's crystal industry, Lalique has five main categories: jewellery, decorative items, interior design, perfumes, and art. Today, the vision of the brand is to prolong the creative genius of founder René Lalique by issuing superb perfume bottles in crystal, reviving exciting and sensitive jewellery designs, pushing the limits of the factory by creating decorative objects with unique satin contrasts, carrying out major architectural projects, creating a unique Lalique world dedicated to the home, working with renowned artists to produce limited editions in crystal and to recreate its cultural heritage. Lalique continues to thrive as a truly timeless lifestyle brand

Founded in 1962 in Scorze? in the outskirts of Venice, and later moved on to the neighborhood of Salzano, LEUCOS soon became a leader in glass decorative lighting thanks to its ability in exploring different contemporary creative and manufacturing possibilities. Architects and designers, from diverse cultural backgrounds, have always found and still find in LEUCOS an excellent company able to merge an experienced glass craftsmanship with industrial processes and the most reliable technologies. Although faithful to a culture of great tradition, LEUCOS is a dynamic force evolving steadily, capable of accepting and welcoming every challenge and unique idea with the aim of interpreting them with the most updated techniques: that’s how clean designed products are created to survive the times and live long as real icons of glassmaking art in the world of decorative light.

LG Display offers OLED light panels in a variety of shapes and sizes. Ten different models are available with different color temperatures. LG Display develops and showcases originally designed luminaires to stimulate the market and show how OLED panels can be used in real-life applications. Also, LG Display collaborates with major companies in different industries.

On the walls, sketches of shapes, ideas which needed to be realized, of light which modified the substance in volumes; they welcomed their university friends “Strange brothers, they are not normal…” most people thought. But at the end of that experience the light “virus” infected these heroic survivors, now qualified from university: “thank you to the Pamio brothers , we are keen on the light world now”. Andrea and Simone , two brothers, a symbiosis. Some times words can be an obstacle, when a glance is all that is needed. This is one of those rare relationships in which thoughts travel through the air so that the two brothers often arrive in the office wearing the same Lacoste T-shirt, also of the same colour. An inexplicable feeling for those who do not know the two brothers, their life and travels. In good and evil, everything in Oty begins from this mutual understanding: “light is not an industry, with a lot of directors with no responsibility. Light is rather a sartorial work, of strong personalities, who sew values, concepts, experiences, around ideas which are closely connected. The future is always the result of these ideas, realized in the most appropriate way”. But Oty is not only a light and design experience to be shared, a journey through architecture and sustainable technology. It is also the result of a father’s love for his own sons, Eugenio’s love which has turned into an entrepreneurial heritage. A father, an example to follow. Two sons, an education, a consistency.

Rotaliana灯具体现了纯正而原创的生产环境,融合了当代标识性的设计理念,灯具产品设计保留了传统,又结合了创新。在每一件灯具产品中,通过审美、功能和文化特征,我们可以体验到一种强烈的审美意识,融合了意大利的当代景观,就像是一座想象中的桥梁,将客户与产品连接起来,也将公司与社会连接起来。 但是产品的独特性远非如此:这些项目阐释了对美感的不懈追求,现在已经成为大部分客户已具备的品位,但是对美感的青睐又不局限于外在形式和视觉效应,但同时又必须具备应有的质感。实际上,塑造的美感,体现了公司员工和设计师的一种能力。这种美感可以超越外在因素,并以满足内心而非视觉体验的内在品质来定义产品。

WHAT WE DO is carry out grand, unique projects focusing on light objects, exclusive light fixtures and luxury interior decoration features. Our speciality is original architectural features, such as railings, stairways, tables, skylights, columns, and others. What characterizes them is a high proportion of manufacture with emphasis on precision and detail.

Vistosi新近成立的办公地位于Laguna(拉古纳)的腹地。在这里,您可以看到公司专业产线和高品质原材料,这些都是Vistosi的品牌特色。在这里,Vistosi实现了工业策略和设计创意的结合。 在过去的几年里,为了补充产能,Vistosi新建了一个生产金属板的车间。公司成立该部门可以使实验和定制架构的创建更加灵活,比如Giogali之类的大型悬架产品。内部车间的设备可以服务整个生产流程:从原型到质量控制和接线,在此过程中,我们坚持不断检查和验证每一项工作都正常运行。我们所有分包商都是当地值得信赖的企业而且我们不断验厂以保证分包质量。 用于吹Vistosi玻璃的调和器具备以下独有特色:它可以通过时间的不同控制材料的强度和光度,这也是一个手工管控的流程。玻璃工厂是玻璃吹制艺术的核心,工厂由经验丰富的技术大师操作管理。他们积极应对新产线和新材质的挑战。 跟玻璃吹制艺术相比,玻璃磨削可能不那么吸引人。不过伴随着不断增加的精确磨削、钻削、处理和抛光需求,玻璃研磨成为一道越来越重要的玻璃制造流程。我们的工匠严谨而精心地执行玻璃吹制处理:钻、抛光和收光处理都是由专业的生产制造人士执行,在这一过程中他们可以利用专门的技术以及喷水切割机器人执行相关操作。




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②  核 心 就 是 为 您 节 省 高 贵 时 间!

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④  世 界 在 我 们 系 统 里,创 意 在 你 脑 子 里,未 来 在 你 手 上!
