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Top 10 provincial-level regions with highest minimum wage

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-06-19 17:38


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Tianjin will have the second-highest minimum wage in China, as the city earlier pledged to raise it from 1,950 yuan ($286.89) each month to 2,050 yuan, starting from July. Shanghai takes the top spot with 2,300 yuan per month.

Over the past several months, seven provincial-level regions have increased their minimum wage.

Qinghai province in May raised it by more than 200 yuan to lift its minimum wage to 1,500 yuan per month, while Shaanxi province decided to increase the bottom level from 1,480 yuan to 1,680 yuan. Shandong and Fujian provinces raised the floor wage to 1,810 yuan and 1,700 yuan respectively.

The top 10 seven provincial-level regions with highest minimum wage are as follows.

10. Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region

▲ 1,670 yuan per month

9. Shaanxi province

▲ 1,680 yuan per month

8. Fujian province

▲ 1,700 yuan per month

7. Jiangsu province

▲ 1,770 yuan per month

6. Shandong province

▲ 1,810 yuan per month

5. Zhejiang province

▲ 1,860 yuan per month

4. Beijing

▲ 1,890 yuan per month

3. Guangdong province

▲ 1,895 yuan per month

2. Tianjin

▲ 2,050 yuan per month

1. Shanghai

▲ 2,300 yuan per month

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