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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-07-06 06:00





Malaysia’s system of racial preferences should be scrapped


Income-based benefits would work much better


May 18th 2017

WHAT government would not like to reduce racial disparities and promote ethnic harmony? The tricky part is knowing how. One country that claims to have found a way is Malaysia. Since 1971 it has given preferential treatment in everything from education to investing to bumiputeras—people of indigenous descent, who are two-thirds of the population but poorer than their ethnic-Chinese and -Indian compatriots.


  • Compatriot: n.同胞,国人

  • preferential treatment:优待

On the face of things, this system of affirmative action has been a success. The gap in income between Malays (the biggest bumiputera group) and Chinese- and Indian-Malaysians has narrowed dramatically. Just as important, there has been no repeat of the bloody race riots of 1969, when Malay mobs burned Chinese shops in Kuala Lumpur, prompting the adoption of the policy. And the economy—typically an instant victim of heavy-handed government attempts at redistribution—has grown healthily.


  • affirmative action:平权法案;又称优惠性差别待遇、积极平权等,是指防止对“肤色、宗教、性别或民族出身”等少数群体或弱势群体歧视的一种手段,将这些群体给予优待来消除歧视,从而达到平等。

Small wonder that some see Malaysia as a model. South African politicians cited it when adopting their plan for “Black Economic Empowerment” in the early 2000s. More recently Indonesian activists have been talking about instituting something similar there. Malaysia, meanwhile, keeps renewing the policy, which was originally supposed to end in 1991. Just last month Najib Razak,  the prime minister (pictured), launched the latest iteration: the catchily named Bumiputera Economic Transformation Roadmap (BETR) 2.0,  which, among other things, will steer a greater share of government contracts to bumiputera businesses.

有些小国家开始模仿马来西亚的做法。南非的政客们在21世纪初期通过《黑人经济振兴法案》时,就援引了马来西亚的《平权法案》。最近,印度尼西亚的积极分子一直在讨论推行相似的政策。同时,马来西亚也不断革新这个实际应于1991年就废除的政策。就在上个月马来西亚总理Najib Razak(见图)又推出了这个法案的最新版,新版法案的名字很吸引人:《土著经济转型路线图2.0版本》,除了其他方面的原因,这个法案将给马来西亚土著生意人带来更多的政府项目。

  • Black Economic Empowerment:为了全面提高黑人融入经济的程度,南非政府颁布了《黑人经济振兴法案》(Black Economic Empowerment,BEE),被划为“黑人”的人群在就业、贷款、股权收购、竞标等方面可以享受法定的优先权利。

  • Iteration: n.迭代,新版软件

  • Catchily: adj. 有吸引力的,欺骗性的,时断时续的

  • Money for old rope

  • 唾手可得的权利

Yet the results of Malaysia’s affirmative-action schemes are not quite what they seem. Malays in neighbouring Singapore, which abjures racial preferences, have seen their incomes grow just as fast as those of Malays in Malaysia. That is largely because the Singaporean economy has grown faster than Malaysia’s, which may in turn be a product of its more efficient and less meddling bureaucracy. Singapore, too, has been free from race riots since 1969.


If the benefits of cosseting bumiputeras are not as clear as they first appear, the costs, alas, are all too obvious. As schools, universities and the bureaucracy have become less meritocratic, Chinese and Indians have abandoned them, studying in private institutions and working in the private sector instead. Many have left the country altogether, in a brain drain that saps economic growth.


  • Cosset:v. 宠爱

  • Saps: v.破坏

  • Meritocratic: adj.精英的

  • brain drain: 人才外流

Steering so many benefits to Malays—developers are even obliged to give them discounts on new houses—has created a culture of entitlement and dependency. Malays have stopped thinking of affirmative action as a temporary device to diminish inequality. As descendants of Malaysia’s first settlers, they now consider it a right.


The result is that a system intended to quell ethnic tensions has entrenched them. Many poorer Malays vote reflexively for UMNO, the Malay party that introduced affirmative action in the 1970s and has dominated government since then, for fear that another party might take away their privileges. With these votes in the bag, UMNO’s leaders can get away with jaw-dropping abuses, such as the continuing scandal at 1MDB, a development agency that mislaid several billion dollars, much of which ended up in officials’ pockets, according to American investigators. Minorities, in turn, overwhelmingly support parties that advocate less discrimination against them.


  • UMNO:马来民族统一机(The United Malays National Organization,简称巫统,UMNO):马来人政党。成立于1946年5月11日。1987年4月因党争而分裂,被法庭判为非法组织。1988年2月马哈蒂尔在原巫统基础上重组“新巫统”(The New United Malays National Organization)。1996年,从巫统分裂出去的“四六”精神党重返新巫统后再次还名为“巫统”。

  • Quell: v.平息,制止

  • Mislay: v.误放,丢失

  • Entrenched: adj.根深蒂固的,不易制止的

  • jaw-dropping: adj.令人瞠目结舌的,令人惊叹的

  • 1MDB:马来西亚政府投资基金1Malaysia Development Bh

The ambition to improve the lot of Malaysia’s neediest citizens is a worthy one. But defining them by race is a mistake. It allows a disproportionate amount of the benefits of affirmative action to accrue to well-off Malays, who can afford to buy the shares set aside for them at IPOs, for example, or to bid for the government contracts Mr Najib is reserving for them. It would be much more efficient, and less poisonous to race relations, to provide benefits based on income. Most recipients would still be Malays. And defusing the issue should pave the way for more nuanced and constructive politics. Perhaps that is why UMNO has resisted the idea for so long.


  • Accrue: v.逐渐增长,累积

  • Defuse: v.使无害,预防

翻译 ▍艾艾 小西瓜 Myob

审核 ▍sta.

图文编辑 ▍leone

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate 

Many poorer Malays vote reflexively for UMNO, the Malay party that introduced affirmative action in the 1970s and has dominated government since then, for fear that another party might take away their privileges.

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