Green Initiatives wrapped up the Plastic Four campaign a few weeks ago. Against a campaign target of 500 pledges that we set for ourselves, we achieved 371 pledges.
绿色倡议结束了"四种塑料"的倡议活动。相对于我们为自己设定的收集齐 500 个承诺,我们最终收集到了 371 个。
We are not disappointed at not reaching our target. It was, undoubtedly, a difficult challenge. The four plastics that’s we were addressing i.e. plastic bottles, shopping bags, straws and disposable cup, are very deeply embedded in our daily lives. Often we are not even aware how accustomed we are to them.
没有达到目标并没有让我们感到沮丧。毕竟,这是一项艰难的挑战。我们提及的四种塑料产品: 塑料瓶、购物袋、吸管以及一次性塑料杯——已经深深地嵌入到我们的生活当中。很多时候,我们甚至无法发觉到自己对这些塑料产品有多么的习以为常。
However, we did succeed in raising a great amount of awareness, as is justified by the number of views on the campaign posts. The ideas advocated by the campaign are being followed and creating impact
even after the campaign has ended. People have reached out to us saying how they have stopped using straws or stopped ordering ‘waimai’ boxes for their meals.
然而,通过这次活动,我们成功地引起了一大批人的环保意识。 ” 四种塑料” 活动中所倡导的思想也受到了后续的关注。即便在活动结束后我们也陆续收到反馈,人们纷纷向我们分享自己是如何在日常生活中不去使用吸管,或是避免使用外卖所用及到的包装盒的经验。
These reactions are much beyond our expectations, and precisely the ripples we had intended to cause.
What We Have Achieved:
What We Have Learnt:
It’s a difficult campaign to pledge to, and even more difficult to follow your pledge 100%.
It’s very easy to fail, especially for those that are not regular consumers of the 4 plastic items.
Straws simply are the most overused, underrated plastics. In a maximum number of
, people would be able to consume their drink without the plastic
You often receive a straw with your drink even when you least expect it; very important to remember to remind that you do not need a straw while placing your order
People recognize the problem, but feel too big a challenge to avoid their consumption for a month. So challenging that they do not want to give it a try.
More solutions are needed if people have to reduce the plastic use. From a recycling and technological
there are
not enough transparent solutions.
The simplest solutions are what many already know: REDUCE and REUSE.
the amount of
things we buy: be it bottled juices, cocktails that come with straws, or takeaway coffee.
Focus on reuse i.e. if you still have to buy stuff, try to use reusable containers.
这本身是一项难度很高的活动,在此基础上,更有难度的是让人们 100%地遵守所做出的承诺。
Lastly, we believe the plastic four campaign needs to be re-launched in a new form and include food takeaway (‘waimai’) containers, disposable cutlery, disposable glasses or cups used in offices, and plates used for birthday cakes.
If you haven't yet taken the pledge and still want to make an impact, scan the below QR code or click '
read more
' to visit our campaign page.
A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.