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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  中伦视界


中伦视界  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-22 17:47



近日,国际权威法律媒体及评级机构钱伯斯发布了《2024钱伯斯全球法律实务指南:可再生能源(中国篇)》(以下简称“ 《指南》 ”),中伦律师事务所合伙人周旋律师与顾问周亚成律师接受邀请,撰写了《指南》可再生能源中国篇的全部内容。凭借在可再生能源领域的丰富经验,两位律师对中国可再生能源的法律与监管框架进行深入分析,解读了可再生能源立法情况、项目开发、技术创新及市场趋势等,为全球企业在中国开展可再生能源业务提供了前沿的法律资讯。

Recently, Chambers and Partners, a globally reputed legal media and rating agency, released the “Chambers Global Practice Guides: Renewable Energy 2024 (China)” (the “Guide”). Zhong Lun’s partner Xuan Zhou and counsel Yacheng Zhou were invited to author the entire China chapter of the Guide. Drawing upon their extensive expertise in the renewable energy sector, the two lawyers provided a comprehensive analysis of China’s legal and regulatory framework governing renewable energy. Their insights cover legislation, project development, technological innovation, and market trends, offering cutting-edge legal guidance for global companies seeking to engage in renewable energy business in China.


The Chambers Global Practice Guides is widely regarded as an authoritative resource for in-house counsels and legal practitioners, encompassing key legal areas across major jurisdictions worldwide. Practitioners invited to contribute are recognized for their prominence and influence in their respective fields.

关于作者/About the Authors

周旋 律师

中伦律师事务所 合伙人


Xuan Zhou specializes in investment and M&A, corporate governance, litigation and arbitration, and HSE, including carbon trading and other issues related to carbon neutrality. He has extensive experience providing legal services in the energy and power, mining and natural resources industries, particularly in dispute resolution and M&A for enterprises in the sectors of energy and mineral resources. Since 2005, Xuan Zhou has been advised on carbon trading-related mandates, including renewable energy projects. He previously worked at the Carbon Trading Center of the China Beijing Green Exchange and, since 2013, has provided legal counsel and environmental rights trading services—including those related to Emissions Allowances (EA) and China Certified Emission Reductions (CCER)—to hundreds of member companies in the Beijing carbon trading pilot. In 2024, Xuan Zhou was recognized as “Up and Coming” in the “Environment” category by Chambers Greater China Guide 2024.

周亚成 律师

中伦律师事务所 顾问

周亚成律师主要擅长业务领域为投资并购和公司治理、破产清算和重整、 商业犯罪和刑事合规。自2013年起至今,周亚成连续多年被钱伯斯全球、钱伯斯亚太、亚洲法律概况、国际金融法律评论等国际权威法律媒体及评级机构评选为“能源”与“自然资源”“环境法”等领域的杰出律师、领先律师。2024年,周亚成律师获评《钱伯斯大中华区指南2024》“环境法”领域业界贤达。

Yacheng Zhou focuses on investment, M&A, corporate governance, bankruptcy, insolvency, and reorganization, as well as white collar crime and criminal compliance. Since 2013, Yacheng Zhou has been consistently recognized as an outstanding and leading lawyer in the fields of energy, natural resources, and environmental law by globally renowned legal media and rating agencies such as Chambers, Asia Legal Briefing, and IFLR 1000. In 2024, Yacheng Zhou was honored as an “Eminent Practitioner” in the “Environment” category by Chambers Greater China Guide 2024.


Associates Lina Wang, Zeyu Lin, and Yun Xiao also participated in the preparation of the Guide.

内容简介/Content Summary

《指南》分为两部分:法律与实践(Law and Practice)以及趋势与发展(Trends and Developments)。前者包含7章29小节,涵盖可再生能源法律实务的主要方面,包括法律框架、监管体系及执法机构等内容;后者则聚焦于在可再生能源项目开发中的重点议题,如立法动态与市场演变,旨在帮助从业者有效应对这些变化,并抓住其中机遇。
