scroll down for English version
2016年末,Tom McLellan, John Caldwell 和 HarrisLieberman 接下了一个大项目:综述超过250份关于咖啡因对我们大脑及身体机能影响的调研。在阅读了上世纪的研究后,他们最后发现咖啡因在各方面都对我们的大脑和身体机能有提高。
。你摄入越多的咖啡因,你越会有更乐观的体验 –到一定的程度。超过200或者300毫克时,它的作用则开始减少。超过400毫克的计量能是你产生焦虑,甚至能损害你的表现。
。咖啡因的耐力受到众多因素的影响,包括你的体重,基因组成。本文中提供了具体的咖啡因计量,就利用这些数据作为基本的参考– 这些数据是由上千人测试后的平均数据。就像大多数的生产力建议一样,采用适合你的!
咖啡因并不是没有副作用 –
, 并且对某些人甚至会产生焦虑。但是咖啡因的好处远远大于它的弊处。
Caffeine boosts your
mental and physical performance in pretty much every measurable way
English version
In late 2016, Tom
McLellan, John Caldwell, and Harris Lieberman undertook a massive project: to summarize more than 250 research studies on how caffeine
impacts our mental and physical performance. After reading through studies from
the past century, they discovered conclusively that caffeine enhances our
mental and physical performance in pretty much every measurable way.
what they found:
Caffeine improves your perseverance
, especially with lengthy, boring, and tedious tasks. In fact, doses around 200mg can “improve your performance for several hours.” This effect holds true regardless of how tired and fatigued you are.
Caffeine deepens your focus
, regardless of whether a task is simple or complex. In laboratory studies, caffeine boosted peoples’ response speed and As with tasks that require perseverance, these effects diminish after you’ve consumed 200-300mg of caffeine.
Caffeine increases your performance on tasks that require verbal memory
, reaction time, and visuospatial reasoning, such as designing a building or putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
Caffeine boosts your performance during endurance exercise
. While you’ll need a bit more caffeine to experience these effects—about 375mg—caffeine can boost your performance for several hours during endurance exercise. Consume a smaller dose of caffeine while warming up if you want to perform better but don’t want to consume that much caffeine.
Caffeine boosts your physical performance in the heat
. In fact, you can consume a lot of caffeine before working out in the heat—up to 700mg, according to research. The meta-study says consuming caffeine “prior to or during exercise in hot environments should not be avoided due to fear of increased fluid-electrolyte loss or a reduced exercise tolerance in the heat.” (Plus, the dehydrating effects of caffeine are largely a myth)