[1] Zhan Zhang, Yang Jiao, Mingxia Zhang, Bing Wei, Xiao Liu, Juan Zhao, Fengwei Tian, Jie Hu, Qin Zhang. AI-aided general clinical diagnoses verified by third-parties with dynamic uncertain causality graph extended to also include classification, Artificial Intelligence Review, (2022) 55: 4485–4521. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 7/145.
[2] Qin Zhang, Xusong Bu, Zhan Zhang, Mingxia Zhang, Jie Hu. Dynamic uncertain causality graph for computer-aided general clinical diagnoses with nasal obstruction as an illustration, Artificial Intelligence Review, (2021) 54: 27-61. 2021. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 7/145.
[3] Chunling Dong, Qin Zhang. The Cubic Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph: A Methodology for Temporal Process Modeling and Diagnostic Logic Inference, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 4239-4253, 2020. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 14/145.
[4] Yang Jiao, Zhan Zhang, Ting Zhang, Wen shi, Yan Zhu, Jie Hu and Qin Zhang. Development of an artificial intelligence diagnostic model based on dynamic uncertain causality graph for the differential diagnosis of dyspnea, Frontiers of Medicine, vol. 14, pp. 488-497, 2020. IF排名:Medicine, Research & Experimental: 18/139.
[5] Dongping Ning, Zhan Zhang, Kun Qiu, Lin Lu, Qin Zhang, Yan Zhu and Renzhi Wang. Efficacy of intelligent diagnosis with a dynamic uncertain causality graph model for rare disorders of sex development, Frontiers of Medicine, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 498-505, 2020. IF排名:Medicine, Research & Experimental: 18/139.
[6] Qin Zhang, Quanying Yao. Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Utilization of Statistical Data and Domain Knowledge in Complex Cases, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1637-1651, 2018. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 14/145.
[7] Dong C, Zhou Z, Zhang Q. Cubic Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph: A New Methodology for Modeling and Reasoning About Complex Faults with Negative Feedbacks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018: 67(3): 920-932. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[8] Zhenxu Zhou, Qin Zhang. Model event/fault trees with dynamic uncertain causality graph for better probabilistic safety assessment, IEEE Trans. Reliability, vol. 66, no. 1, pp 178-188, 2017. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[9] Qin Zhang, Zhan Zhang. Dynamic uncertain causality graph applied to dynamic fault diagnoses and predictions with negative feedbacks, IEEE Trans. Reliability, vol. 65, no. 2, pp 1030-1044, 2016. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[10] Dong C, Zhao Y, Zhang Q. Assessing the Influence of an Individual Event in Complex Fault Spreading Network Based on Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Learning Systems, 2016, 27(8):1615-1630. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 14/145.
[11] Qin Zhang, Shichao Geng. Dynamic uncertain causality graph applied to dynamic fault diagnosis of large and complex systems. IEEE Trans. Reliability, vol. 64, no. 3, pp 910-927, 2015. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[12] Qin Zhang. Dynamic uncertain causality graph for knowledge representation and probabilistic reasoning: continuous variable, uncertain evidence and failure forecast, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 990-1003, 2015. IF排名:Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 8/100.
[13] Qin Zhang. Dynamic uncertain causality graph for knowledge representation and probabilistic reasoning: directed cyclic graph and joint probability distribution, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1503-1517, 2015. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 14/145.
[14] Qin Zhang, Chunling Dong, Yan Cui, Zhihui Yang. Dynamic uncertain causality graph for knowledge representation and probabilistic reasoning: statistics base, matrix and fault diagnosis, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 645-663, 2014. IF排名:Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 14/145.
[15] Dong C, Wang Y, Zhang Q, et al. The methodology of Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph for intelligent diagnosis of vertigo. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2014, 113(1): 162-174. IF排名:Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 20/112.
[16] Qin Zhang. Probabilistic reasoning based on dynamic causality trees/diagrams. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 1994, 46(3):209-220. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[17] Qin Zhang, Qizhi Mei. Element importance and system failure frequency of a 2-state system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 308-313, 1985 October. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[18] Qin Zhang. A sequence of diagnosis and repair for a 2-state repairable system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 32-33, 1987 April. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[19] Qin Zhang, Qizhi Mei. Reliability analysis for a real non-coherent system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 436-439, 1987 October. IF排名:Computer Science, Software Engineering: 12/108.
[20] Qin Zhang. A general method dealing with correlations in uncertainty propagation in fault trees. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 26 (1989) 231-247. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[21] Qin Zhang. A new approximate method for uncertainty propagation in system reliability analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 29 (1990) 261-275. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[22] Qin Zhang. A new approximate method to calculate the time-specific unreliability of a repairable system. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 31 (1990) 39-56. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[23] Qin Zhang, David Okrent, George Apostolakis, S. Guarro. An expert system approach for fault diagnosis to cope with spurious sensor signals and process state uncertainty. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 34 (1991) 121-142. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[24] Qin Zhang. A method dealing with correlation in uncertainty propagation by using traditional correlation coefficients. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 41 (1993) 107-114. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[25] Qin Zhang. On the treatment of correlated normal and lognormal input variables in uncertainty propagation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 40 (1993) 93-96. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[26] Qin Zhang, Xuegao An, Jin Gu, Binquan Zhao, Dazhi Xu & Shuren Xi. FBOLES - outline of a frequency-based on-line expert system approach for fault diagnoses in nuclear power plants. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 40 (1993) 165-172. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[27] Qin Zhang. Frequency and knowledge tree/causality diagram based expert system approach for fault diagnosis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 43 (1994) 17-28. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[28] Qin Zhang, Henrique M. Paula, Jerry B. Fussell. Probabilistic safety analysis for standby systems with sequentially used standby components. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 44 (1994) 67-76. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[29] Qin Zhang, Jin Gu, Xuegao An, Binquan Zhao, Dazhi Xu, Shuren Xi. Application of FBOLES - a prototype expert system for fault diagnosis of nuclear power plants. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 44 (1994) 225-235. IF排名:Operations Research & Management Science: 8/86.
[1] 董春玲、张勤,“用于不确定性故障诊断的权重逻辑推理算法研究”,《自动化学报》,第40卷,第12期,第2766-2781页,2014年。
[2] 张勤,“对新一代人工智能的思考”,《智能系统学报》,2022,17(4),第660-660页。
[3] 张勤,“基于因果关系的人工智能”,《军事运筹与评估》,第37卷第2期,第5-9页。
[4] 张勤,“用原创的DUCG人工智能技术提高核电站的安全性和可用度”,中国核电,第11卷第1期,55-68页,2018年。
张勤,《知识产权基本原理》,知识产权出版社,ISBN 978-7-5130-1152-5,2012年4月。