Safety Science
Call for papers for Special Issue on ‘AI and smart cities' implications on urban safety’
全文截稿: 2021-04-30
影响因子: 3.619
• 大类 : 管理科学 - 2区
• 小类 : 工程:工业 - 2区
• 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 2区
Call for papers for Special Issue on ‘AI and smart cities' implications on urban safety’
Dr Rita Yi Man Li: Email: [email protected]
Prof Georgios Boustras: Email: [email protected]
Aims and Scope
AI and smart cities tools are booming recently. AI robots are used in elderly house to take care of the elderly people, drones are used to detect water pipes’ cracks, unmanned trains and vehicles no longer solely appear in science fiction. Smart home gadgets are used to remind patients at home to take medicine, virtual assistants are giving advice to online purchasers.
In recent time with covid, AI robots have also played a very important role in fighting covid 19 due to the requirements for social distancing. They are used to transport the medical materials in hospital, food from restaurants to individual households as well as measuring temperatures of individuals. Drones are used to oversees the possible covid patients on the streets.
Indeed, smart and AI products flourish everywhere, it has already become part of our daily lives. It offers us lower costs in running our businesses, e.g. hiring waiters and waitresses are far more expensive than hiring a robot, smart tools may assist safety training and education. Yet, safety concerns are also increasing. For example, drone may fall from height because of falling short of battery, defective design or hack by criminals.
In this special issue, we would like to shed light on the dark and bright side of AI and smart tools on safety, such as, but not limited to:
Ubiquitous/smart tools usage safety concerns
AI robot safety
AI implications on built environment
AI for safety education and training
Smart home safety
Smart city safety issues
Smart/AI tools and construction safety
Open submission date: 1 January 2021
Submission deadline: 30 April 2021
Final acceptance deadline (for guest editors): 31 Oct 2021
Paper submissions for the special issue should follow the submission format and guidelines for regular papers and submitted http://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science. All the papers will be peer-reviewed following ‘Safety Science’ reviewing procedures. Guest editors will make an initial assessment of the suitability and scope of all submissions. Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation, relevance and contributions, as well as their suitability to the special issue. Papers that either lack originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the scope of the special issue will not be sent for review. Authors should select "VSI: AI, smart cities &safety " when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. The submitted papers must propose original research that has not been published nor currently under review in other venues.
For any queries please write to the Guest Editors.
Authors are also requested to attach a short write up mentioning how their submissions comply with one or more of the above-mentioned VRU safety studies with a thorough investigation of the deep learning approaches.