专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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Q&A | 按照原则生活,生活会不会有时候感觉少了点随意的乐趣?

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-10 12:30



问题1: 老师你好,看过你的三十分钟视频《经济机器是怎样运行的》,感觉非常好,我想问的是中国经济运行也是如此还是有些许的差别呢?差别在哪儿呢?谢谢!

瑞:就《经济机器是怎样运行的》动画中阐述的基本经济规律而言,中国市场没有大的不同之处让其异于其他市场。既然你喜欢《经济机器是怎样运行的》这个动画并对永恒且普遍的规律(包括会影响中国市场运行的规律)感兴趣,我建议你阅读 Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises一书。你可以在principles.com免费下载英文版,我之后也将推出中文版。

Ray: Regarding the basic laws of economics that were covered in "How the Economic Machine Works" there are no major differences in China that make China different. Since you liked “How the Economic Machine Works” and are interested in timeless and universal rules (that include rules that would affect how things work in China) I suggest that you read “Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises” which can be downloaded free of charge at principles.com in English and I will soon make available in Chinese.

问题2: Dear Ray, I read your book and find it pretty practical. I begin carrying out my ownprinciples by your advice in the book. The interesting thing is that I always start with my principles related to my most recent confirmed weaknesses forwhich I really tried hard more than half a year to detect and realize. Would you share some ideas regarding your first few principles generated? Are they reflective to your situation at that time or coming out by chance?

Ray: My principles were learned beating them into my head - i.e., by my taking lots of actions that produced lots of rewards and punishments and my reflecting on those to learn how reality works and how to interact with it in an effective way.


问题3: 想请问达里奥先生:从企业家的角度,您如何解读目前的中美关系呢?另外,对于中国整体上偏集体主义的倾向,您对我们又有哪些特别的原则的忠告呢?谢谢


Ray: While it saddens me to see the U.S.-China relationship become more confrontational (mostly because of how the Trump administration is handling it), I don’t expect that this confrontational relationship will materially harm the continued improvement in entrepreneurship in China.  In fact I’m so impressed with the reform policies of the government and the enthusiasm and capabilities of the Chinese people that I believe China is becoming well on the way to becoming one of the most exciting places, if not the most exciting place, for entrepreneurship in the world.   I say this with the learned perspective of an entrepreneur who studies what makes economies successful, who started coming to China in 1984 and seen it evolve from up close, and who has gotten to know key shapers of these reforms.  That perspective has taught me that there is a systematic process in place to make great progress.  Of course there will be bumps along the way; there always are.  But it seems to me that the fundamentals and the trend will continue to be great for entrepreneurship in China.

问题4: 您在这个 《成功的原则》 超迷你视频中说,找到了一个平衡风险和回报的“圣杯”,您能具体说说这个圣杯是什么吗?


Ray: It is a way of creating risk reductions without reducing expected returns.  It’s explained in page 57-62 of the Chinese edition of Principles.

问题5: 按照原则生活,生活会不会有时候感觉少了点随意的乐趣?


Ray: No. I find it exciting to be adventurous and learn principles to do that well.

问题6: 在《原则》中您提到各国央行、经济学者对经济周期后知后觉,跟不上桥水节奏。在大学里无数年轻人在学经济学,但教他们的恰恰是僵化的黑板经济学,除了看您的书和视频外,有空时可否请您长谈一下主流经济学有哪些核心谬误、陷阱,为什么理论和现实脱节这么严重?年轻人应该如何学习经济学?在您关于经济学的原则的新书中是否会包括这一部分内容?

瑞:我的下一本书会阐述我的经济原则如何不同于学校里教授的传统经济学原则。如果你想了解其中一些最重要的概念,我建议你观看 《经济机器是怎样运行的》 或者阅读 “Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises”, 你可以点击原文免费下载pdf文档。

Ray: My upcoming book will explain how my principles about economics are different from conventional principles of economics as they are taught in school.  If you are interested in learning some of the most important concepts now I suggest that you view “How the Economic Machine Works which is available here or read “Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises” which is available for free as a pdf file here (principles.com/big-debt-crises).


