专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-19 11:22


欧洲钢铁工业联盟( Eurofer )的最新贸易数据证实, 2019 年欧盟进口量下降,出口保持稳定。

The latest trade data published by Euroferconfirm the slump in EU imports and the stability of exports in 2019.

正如普遍预期的那样, 2019 年欧盟钢材进口量同比下降近 15% 2,530 万吨。根据欧钢联的数据,这是自 2015 年以来的最低水平。

As largely anticipated, steel imports intothe EU fell by almost -15% year-on-year in 2019 to 25.3 million tonnes.According to Eurofer data, the level registered was the lowest since 2015.

所有产品进口量均有所下降,包括冷轧卷、涂层卷、螺纹钢和盘条。热轧卷进口量降至平均 63.4 万吨 / 月。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)注意到,土耳其仍然是最大的供应国,但与 2018 年相比,其平均月供应量有所下降。

All products experienced a decline inimports, including cold rolled coil, coated coil, rebar and wire rod. Hotrolled coil imports also moved down to an average of 634,000 t/month. Turkeyremained the biggest importer but also reduced its average monthly importscompared with 2018, Kallanish notes.

进口下降的部分原因是欧盟实施了新的保障制度,部分原因是 2019 年欧洲需求放缓。根据欧钢联的数据, 2019 年钢材表观消费量同比下降 3.3% 。预计 2020 年消费量将同比增长 1% 以上。

The reduction in imports was caused partiallyby the new safeguard system and partially by the slow demand registered inEurope during 2019. Apparent steel consumption moved down by -3.3% y-o-y in2019, according to Eurofer. A recovery of over 1% y-o-y is expected for 2020.

出口方面, 2019 年出口量与 2018 年相比保持稳定,约为 2,050 万吨。这帮助欧盟消除了成品钢材的贸易逆差。然而,值得注意的是, 2019 年欧洲出口量仍处于最低水平, 2012 年出口量超过 2,700 万吨。

On the export front, 2019 volumes remainedstable compared with 2018, at some 20.5mt. This helped the EU to close itstrade deficit in finished steel. It is worth noting, nevertheless, that thefigure registered in 2019 remains a record-low level for Europe; back in 2012exports surpassed 27mt.



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