【[66星]PengChengStarling:基于icefall项目的多语言语音识别(ASR)模型,一站式解决多语言语音识别难题。亮点:1. 支持8种语言,涵盖中、英、俄、越、日、泰、印尼、阿等;2. 模型体积仅为Whisper-Large v3的20%,推理速度提升7倍;3. 提供完整的ASR流程支持,从数据处理到模型部署一应俱全】
'PengChengStarling is specifically designed for developing multilingual ASR models based on the icefall project, supporting a complete ASR pipeline that includes data processing, model training, inference, fine-tuning, and deployment.'
GitHub: github.com/yangb05/PengChengStarling
#语音识别# #多语言模型# #高效推理# #AI创造营#
'PengChengStarling is specifically designed for developing multilingual ASR models based on the icefall project, supporting a complete ASR pipeline that includes data processing, model training, inference, fine-tuning, and deployment.'
GitHub: github.com/yangb05/PengChengStarling
#语音识别# #多语言模型# #高效推理# #AI创造营#