近日,由美国南加州大学安南伯格传播学院主办的英文国际期刊International Journal of Communication(简称IJoC,开源期刊,免费下载阅读)发表了主题为“韩流:回顾与展望”(The Korean Wave: Retrospect and Prospect)的专题(special section),本专题由Dal Yong Jin和Tae-jin Yoon担任特约编辑,共收录8篇论文。
The Korean Wave: Retrospect and Prospect ― Introduction
Dal Yong Jin, Tae-jin Yoon
K-Pop in Latin America: Transcultural Fandom and Digital Mediation
Ben Han
K-Pop Fans React: Hybridity and the White Celebrity-Fan on YouTube
David Oh
When Indonesians Routinely Consume Korean Pop Culture: Revisiting Jakartan Fans of Korean Drama Dae Jang Geum
Jae-Seon Jeong, Seul-Hi Lee, Sang-Gil Lee
Domestic Hallyu: K-Pop Metatexts and the Media’s Self-Reflexive Gesture
Michelle Cho
Korean Wave Studies as Method: Reconsidering the Television Format
Phenomenon between South Korea and China through Inter-Asian Frameworks
Younghan Cho, Hongrui Zhu
Cultural Translation of K-Pop Among Asian Canadian Fans
Kyong Yoon
Between Hybridity and Hegemony in K-Pop’s Global Popularity: A Case of "Girls’ Generation’s" American Debut
Gooyong Kim