专栏名称: 广东疾控
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Common Barriers for Being Physically Active 常见阻止你体能活动的障碍

广东疾控  · 公众号  · 养生  · 2017-05-22 21:32


People most frequently cite too busy, feeling tired, lack of companion, resources or skills as the barriers for having regular physical activity. Understanding your problems and finding ways to overcome them may help you make physical activity part of your daily life. Here are some suggestions:


physical activity

Lack of Time


  • Review your daily activities and identify the available time slot or create multiple 10- or 15-minute blocks for physical activity . For example, try waking up 30 minutes earlier for some morning exercises, taking a 15-minute brisk walk at lunch time or after dinner.

  • Incorporate physical activity into your daily life. For example, getting off the bus or train earlier and walking the rest of the way, climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift or escalator, riding stationary bike or step-walking while watching television.

  • 回顾自己每天的活动,并找出空闲时段或 挤出多个10或15分钟的小节来进行体能活动 。例如尝试早起30分钟来做晨运,或在午餐或晚餐后用15分钟来散步。

  • 把体能活动融入日常生活当 中。例如提早一个站下车,并走完剩下的路;以走楼梯代替使用电梯或自动扶手梯;在看电视的时候踏健身单车或脚踏机。

physical activity

Lack of Motivation

  • Plan ahead for periods of physical activity and write the schedule down on your calendar.

  • Find a partner. Try some activities that you can do with a friend, colleague or family member to sustain your motivation and make the activity more enjoyable.

  • Pick an activity (or range of activities) that really interests you and suits your lifestyle.

  • Use a motivational tool, such as a pedometer which is a portable device for monitoring the accumulation of daily steps and supporting you to achieve the daily step count target through walking, or a training log which can mark the progress.

  • 预先规划进行体能活动的时间并在日历上写下该计划。

  • 找个同伴。尝试一些可与朋友、同事或家人共同进行的活动,以维持你的动力,并使那活动更有趣味。

  • 选择一项(或数项)你感兴趣并迎合自己生活习惯的体能活动。

  • 运用有推动性的工具,例如便携式的计步器能监测每日累积步数,有助你通过步行来达到每天步数的目标;或用训练日记记录进度。

physical activity

Lack of Energy/Feeling Tired


  • Try scheduling physical activity during the time of day when you have the most energy. For example, have a walk after lunch or dinner.

  • Eat healthy foods that can boost your energy levels.

  • 尽量把做体能活动的时间,安排在你有充沛体力的时段时进行,例如于午饭或晚饭后散步。

  • 进食可提升你个人能量的健康食品。

physical activity

Lack of Companion


  • Invite a friend, colleague or family member to exercise with you on a regular basis.

  • Join an exercise group or take up a team sport that appeals to you.

  • Take dog for morning or evening walks.

  • 定期邀请朋友、同事或家人和你一起做运动。

  • 参加你感兴趣的运动小组或团队运动。

  • 在清晨或黄昏时带狗散步。

physical activity
