PhD Opportunities
· University ofAuckland | School of Biological Sciences
· Location: Auckland |New Zealand
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Project Description
We are currently seeking a PhD student with interests in microbiology,molecular biology and the environment to conduct research into the microbialdegradation of waste plastics.
Project Background
he ecological impactsof the eight million tonnes of plastic entering our oceans each year is easy towitness, littering coastlines and clogging the guts of marine animals withplastic detritus. As the world is slowly waking up to the crisis of oceanplastic, novel solutions are needed to both stem the flow of plastic into ourenvironment and to remove vast historic deposits of accumulated waste. Theobjective of this PhD positions is to isolate and characterise microorganismsand their respective genes from the New Zealand environment and explore theirpotential for the degradation of common environmental plastics.
Scholarship funding
Our PhD studentships will cover $7,000 towards your university fees and anannual tax-exempt stipend of $27,000 [Please note that the candidate will,however, have to pay a compulsory student services fee (approx. $850 perannum)]. Additional income may be available from tutorial and laboratorysupervision roles.
PhD Project
· University ofLiverpool | Department of Chemistry
· Location: Liverpool| United Kingdom
· ApplicationDeadline: Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Project Description
The project aims to develop strategically structured semiconductorsubstrates for a range of applications, including; gas sensing,electrochemistry, and catalysis. The materials will target real-worldutilisation, principally through providing resistance to both; wetting andchemical degradation. The project ultimate targets the design of aself-cleaning (superhydrophobic) gas sensors, able to function in challengingenvironmental conditions.
This project
is a part of a 4-yeardual PhD programme between National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan andthe University of Liverpool in England. It is planned that students will spend2 years at NTHU, followed by 2 years at the University of Liverpool.
Both the University of Liverpool and NTHU have agreed to waive the tuitionfees for the duration of the project and stipend of TWD 11,000/month will beprovided as a contribution to living costs (the equivalent of £280 per monthwhen in Liverpool).
When applying please ensure you Quote the supervisor & project titleyou wish to apply for and note ‘NTHU-UoL Dual Scholarship’ when asked fordetails of how plan to finance your studies.
For academic enquires please contact Prof. Yu-Lun Chueh([email protected]) or Dr Colin Crick ([email protected])
For enquires on the application process or to find out more about the Dualprogramme please contact Shirley Farrell on [email protected]
Funding Notes
This project is a part of a 4-year dual PhD programme between NationalTsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan and the University of Liverpool inEngland. It is planned that students will spend the 2 years at NTHU, followedby 2 years at the University of Liverpool.
PhD Program
· King’s CollegeLondon | EPSRC Centre for Medical Imaging
· Location: London |United Kingdom
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Project Description
Drug-resistance is a major obstacle for the effective treatment ofpatients with high grade metastatic cancer. Currently, there is no satisfactoryway to identify patients that will respond and those that will failstandard-of-care therapy. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging offers apotential solution to this clinical problem through the non-invasive assessmentof molecular processes that underpin drug-resistance. Using a multidisciplinaryapproach, we are developing pioneering new PET imaging agents to identifydrug-resistant tumours . Early detection of drug resistance will enable theselection of alternative therapies, thereby improving outcomes in this disease.
Funding Notes
We are currently seeking funding for this project, and it is currentlyunder