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广州大学《ACS ANM》:灵活的NB2O5/MoS2/碳纳米纤维纸负极,用于钠离子电池

材料分析与应用  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-30 16:32


1 成果简介

柔性阳极的设计和制造对于推动柔性钠离子电池(SIB)的发展至关重要。电纺碳纳米纤维(CNFs)复合电极有望成为一种有效的解决方案。 本文,广州大学姚玲敏 副教授团队在《 ACS Applied Nano Materials 》期刊 发表名为“ Flexible Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /Carbon Nanofiber Paper Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries ”的论文, 研究 通过在纯CNFs中引入适量的Nb2O5 纳米粒子,CNFs中的脆性应力集中问题得到了显著缓解,从而提供了良好的柔性机械稳定性 然而,Nb2O5 和纯 CNF 都面临理论容量相对较低的问题,这限制了它们在 SIB 中的应用。

针对这一问题, 本研究开发并制造了一种由 Nb2O5/MoS2/C CNFs 组成的猫尾状柔性纤维纸阳极 借助协同效应,它在0.1Ag-1时的比容量为 302.68 mA h g-1,高于 Nb2O5 CNFs(156.14mA h g-1)。 此外,在 0.1 A g-1 条件下循环 100 次后,它还显示出最高的可逆比容量 266.43mA h g-1,高于 Nb2O5(154.09mA h g-1)和 MoS2(127.37mA h g-1)阳极。 通过分析伪电容性钠储存行为和理论计算,揭示了相关的动力学机制。 这项工作为开发高性能柔性 SIB 阳极提供了一种有效的策略。

2 图文导读

图1. Nb2O5/MoS2/C CNFs电极的合成过程示意图以及纯 CNFs 和经过多次折叠的 Nb2O5 CNFs 的照片。

图2. (a) XRD profiles and (b) Raman spectra of the synthesized samples.

图3. SEM images of (a) Nb 2 O 5 CNFs, (b) Pure MoS 2 , (c) Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 CNFs, and (d) Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs.

图4、 (a)-(c) TEM images of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs; (d) TEM image of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs with elemental mapping of O, C, Mo, Nb, and S.

图5. (a) Rate performance of Nb 2 O 5 CNFs, Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 CNFs, Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs, and Pure MoS 2 at different current densities. (b) Galvanostatic charging–discharging (GCD) curves of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs for the initial four cycles (first, second, third, and fifth) at the current density of 0.1 A g –1 . (c) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 CNFs and Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs after 100 cycles at the current density of 0.1 A g –1 . (d) Cycling performance of as-synthesized samples at a current density of 0.1 A g –1 and the optical photos of the half-cell made up of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs with LED light. (e) Galvanostatic charging–discharging (GCD) curves of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs of first, 50th, and 100th cycle. (f) Comprehensive performance of as-prepared samples radar chart. (g) The discharge/charge curves and corresponding Na diffusion coefficients of Nb + 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs electrode during the first cycle GITT measurement after three cycles of small current activation. (h) The corresponding Na diffusion coefficients of Nb + 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs and Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 CNFs electrodes.

6. (a) CV curves at second cycle for Nb 2 O 5 CNFs, Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 CNFs, Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs, and Pure MoS 2 at a scan rate of 0.5 mV s –1 . (b) CV curves for the first five cycles of the Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs electrode at a scan rate of 0.5 mV s –1 . (c) CV curves of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs electrode recorded at scan rates ranging from 1 to 10 mV s –1 . (d) Logarithmic plot of scan rate versus peak current, derived from CV curves. (e) Capacitive contribution curves at the scan rate of 1 mV s –1 . (f) Variation in the capacitive contribution of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS 2 /C CNFs at varying sweep rates.

图7. (a) The crystal structure of Nb 2 O 5 /MoS
