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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-08 11:17



US scrap trading, which started inthe middle of last week, is expected to continue in the initial days of the current week as some mills are yet to complete their required purchases.


Prices have seen a sharp increase inthe US market, as expected. The hikes have been triggered mostly by strongsteel demand and increasing capacity utilisation in the US, as well as sharp price increases seen in export destinations and firm scrap demand versus tight supply.

“中西部地区钢厂的需求非常强劲,近年来我还没有见过如此猛烈的交易,”一位废钢供应商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)。

“Mills in the Midwest came in withvery strong demand; I haven’t seen such wild trading in recent years,” one scrap supplier tells Kallanish .

美国南方的一位供应商说:“南方的情况没有什么不同。这里的钢厂为 1 号重熔废钢支付的价格为 400 美元 / 长吨,上涨 70-80 美元 / 长吨。”

A supplier in the US South says:“The situation in the South is not different. Mills are paying $400/gross tonfor HMS 1 here. Prices are up by $70-80/gt.”


On the West Coast, the number of US-origin containe rised cargoes was quite limited in Taiwan, causing ex-Japanoffers to jump. However, ex-Japan offers were also scant as most supplierswithdrew last week to observe Japan's Kanto Tetsugen tender outcome this week.

因此,仅有少量日本报价,一周内上涨 25 美元 / 吨。美国西海岸有限的集装箱 HMS 80:20 废钢报价上升到 335-340 美元 / cfr 台湾,高于一周前的 320-325 美元 / cfr

The Japanese offers, which were onlya few, as a result, increased by $25/tonne in a week. The limited number of containerised offers from the US West Coast increased to $335-340/t cfr Taiwanfor HMS 80:20. This was up from $320-325/t cfr a week earlier.


On the East Coast, US suppliers stayed out of Turkish market. Some are heard to have concluded scrap sales to Latin America, Egypt and Greece, where they were able to secure higher prices.

11 27 日,一家美国供应商对 HMS 80:20 废钢报价为 362 美元 / cfr 土耳其,未能找到买家, 11 30 日将货物转向埃及,并在那里找到买家。

A US supplier was unable to find a buyer for its offer at $362/t cfr Turkey for HMS 80:20 on 27 November and directed its cargo on 30 November to Egypt where it found a buyer.

继上周末以 370 美元 / 吨和 375 美元 / cfr 土耳其达成两宗波罗的海原产 HMS 80:20 废钢交易后,美国国内价格上涨和全球看涨情绪预计将导致美国供应商进一步提高目标价格。他们本周的目标价将高于 380-385 美元 / cfr 土耳其。

Following the two Baltic-originscrap deals at $370/t and $375/t cfr Turkey for HMS 80:20 over the weekend,higher US domestic prices and bullish global sentiment are expected to lead US suppliers to target higher prices. They will be aiming for above $380-385/t cfr Turkey this week.
