Janet Truncale(
秦女士积极倡导多元、公平和包容。她是安永全球多元、公平和包容指导委员会的联合主席,该委员会致力于在安永全球机构内打造包容和公平的职场体验。作为安永全球社会公平小组的成员,秦女士在制定和发起安永 Uplift 运动以及安永全球机构的其他社会公平活动方面发挥了重要作用。此外,她还是安永美国退伍军人网络的执行发起人。
Janet Truncale is the EY Global Chair and CEO, leading one of the world’s largest professional services organizations. With 400,000 people across 150 countries, last year EY achieved US$50 billion in revenues.
Prior to her election, Janet served as EY Vice Chair and Regional Managing Partner of the EY Americas Financial Services Organization (FSO), where she led a diverse team of over 14,000 professionals across 90 offices.
Throughout her career, Janet has provided assurance and consulting services to leading Fortune 500 companies, and has worked closely with boards, audit committees and senior management to resolve the most complex business issues. She has served as the Global Client Service Partner and Senior Advisory Partner to many of the EY’s organization’s largest clients.
Janet joined EY as an intern, and has served in a wide variety of roles, including as EY Americas FSO Assurance Managing Partner, Banking and Capital Markets Co-Sector Leader and Initial Public Offering Leader.
Janet received her BSE from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from Columbia University. She is a certified public accountant in New York and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She has been named by the Financial Times as one of the “25 Most Influential Women.”