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One Belt One Road是个啥?这十二个义乌外商有话说……

浙江市场监管矩阵  · 公众号  · 浙江  · 2017-05-29 18:15



Walking along the street in Yiwu, you can seeforeigners anywhere. Among the 2 million residents in Yiwu, there are a lot of foreigners.As the One Belt One Road idea was proposed and propelled, more foreignersgather here, doing business, working and living. They harvest friendship in thesuccess of business and communication. One Belt One Road brings happiness tothem.

叙利亚 麦克

Syrian Mike


Syrian guy: Harvest of both love and career


Mike, from Syria, been in Yiwu for 3 years


Mike, ahandsome guy from Syria, has been in Yiwu for 3 years. During this time, heharvested not only love, but also career. Different from most foreigners whocame to Yiwu for business, Mike chose a different road. Having good looking, heis now a well-known foreign actor in Hengdian. He is also hot for Taobao photoshooting.

巴基斯坦“洋娘舅” 阿酷

Pakistani Foreign Uncle Aku 


Pakistani foreign uncle: making friends with shop owners in conciliation


Aku, from Pakistan, been in Yiwu for 17 years


Aku, fromPakistan, has a cool Chinese name. When first coming to Yiwu, he alwaysquarreled with shop owners for his bad temper. In a chance, he met Chen Jinyan,chief of foreigner-related conciliation committee. Because Aku is good atdealing with people, Chen invited him to be a member of the committee. Oneyear’s time changed Aku’s temper a lot. Being a businessman, he can wellunderstand other people’s ideas. He got deep friendship with shop owners forhis sociability. 

马来西亚商人 林爱玲

Malaysian Lin Ailing


Malaysian businessman: building a bridge of Sino-Malaysia communication


Lin Ainling, Malaysian, been in Yiwu for 13 years


Having been in Yiwu for 13 years, Lin Ailing,Malaysian businessman considers Yiwu as her second home. She opened the marketof birds nest and Malaysia handcraft. But she didnt stop progression.She wishes to build a bridge connecting Malaysia and Yiwu, exporting more goodproducts in Malaysia. At the same time, she wants to show that Yiwu is not justan export platform, but also a wonderful import platform.  

巴西百变女王 娜娜

Brazilian Variety Queen Nana


Brazilian variety queen: to let my own fashion brand enter Yiwu market


Nana, Brazilian, been in Yiwu for 5 years


Across half the earth, Nana came from Brazil toYiwu. In short 5 years, Nana established her own fashion brand Gypsy. Althoughit is only for online sale, she believe, with her sharp sense of fashion and thefast development of fashion business in Yiwu, she will make her brand Gypsyenter Yiwu Market. After that, she will get it a place in super-marts in China,so that Chinese people can buy products with her design. 

哥伦比亚乐手 Barrada

Colombian Singer Barrada


Colombian singer: seek my fortune with a guitar in Yiwu


Barrada, Colombian, been in Yiwu for 9 years


Fond of guitar since childhood, Barrada came toYiwu when he was 9 years old. He found some friends with same interest from allaround the world. They all have passion and fever for music. They formed a bandwhich became well-known in only one year. We can see them in all kinds of showsand activities. In his opinion, Yiwu, just like the music he loves, is full oftolerance and understanding.

乌克兰音乐老师 Nadiya

Ukrainian music teacher Nadiya


Ukrainian music teacher: Yiwu brings me experience I never had before


Nadiya, Ykrainian, been in Yiwu for 3 years


Nadiya, from Ukraine, is a traditionalUkrainian beauty. Being a music teacher adds her charm of intellectuality.Although Yiwu is a business city, Nadiya found her life here. In short 3 years,she has educated thousands of students. She enjoys every minute ofcommunication and joy with kids in music. She brings children music as well asUkrainian culture.

印度“慈善家” 洛基

Indian Philanthropist Loki


Indian philanthropist: reward home with grateful heart


Loke, Indian, been in Yiwu for 14 years



Loki ,from Bombay, India, is busy in Yiwu. Hevisits charity house every week to take care of orphans. He often donates bloodwith friends, joins civilization persuasion, and is fond of bringing Indianlocal customs and practices to Yiwu. Public welfare activities fill his life,but he feels very happy. He thinks that Yiwu gives him successful career andgood lift, so he should return this city and make the home better and better. 

埃及英语老师 丹尼

Egyptian English teacher Danny


Egyptian English teacher: learn Chinese in teaching English


Danny, Egyptian, been in Yiwu for 7 years.


Danny, from Egypt, is a teacher in Yiwu as hespeaks English well. When first coming to Yiwu, he could not speak Chinese, andhe only talked in English with students. In the class, he is an Englishteacher, but after class, he turns to be a student of kids. In less than oneyear, he can talk smoothly with students in Chinese, and even can speak somenative language of Yiwu.

英国餐厅老板 泰山

British restaurant boss Tarzan


British restaurant boss: marry a Yiwu girl and be half a Yiwu native


Tarzan, British, been in Yiwu for 10 years


Tarzan, from Britain, makes his foreign friendsenvious for he has a Yiwu native wife. When going out, he calls himself half anative. He said that from love affair to marriage, his wife taught him a lot,including how to live in Yiwu, and she also helped much in business. Been inYiwu for 9 years, Tarzan loves this city deeply. In his words, Yiwu is a citypeople come and not want to leave. 

伊朗“老男孩” 哈米

Iranian Old Boy Hami


Iranian Old Boy: catch every chance to integrate the big family


Hami , Iranian, been in Yiwu for 14 years


Hami, Old Boy from Iran, has big nose and thickbrows. He is hale and healthy. He speaks Chinese well. Been in Yiwu for 10years, he has integrated to the big family of Yiwu. He has many tags such asperson in charge of Yiwu first foreigner-established foreign trade company withimport and export ability, community propagandist of fire safety, communityUncle who speaks 6 languages, one of the Ten Good Persons, etc.

阿富汗健身达人 阿兹兹

Afghan fitness fanatic Azizi


Afghan fitness fanatic: traveling and fitness is not dispensable


Azizi, Afghan, been in Yiwu for 15 years


Azizi, from Afghanistan, is a fitness fanatic.Since he came to Yiwu, he always do fitness exercises after work. In hisopinion, fitness give him health, easy mood, as well as friendship. Besideexercise, he travels a lot. For necessity of work, he goes on business tripsaround the world. He is fond of that. But he misses home in Yiwu every timewhen he is out. Yiwu is the second home to him.  

俄罗斯“美食家” 玉兰

Russian gourmet Yulan


Russian gourmet: enjoy food from around the world in Yiwu


Yulan, Russian, been in Yiwu for 5 years


Girls love food. Yulan, from Russia, is one ofthem. After she came to Yiwu, the first thing she did is to find deliciousfood. She found that she could enjoy food from around the world and she lovedthis city immediately. She visited almost all the specialty restaurants andstarted to make food for people around her. She likes to share her love forfood with everyone.  

