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《Axure官方文档译读》之0301:Organizing Widgets(组织部件)

AT阿宝哥  · 简书  ·  · 2020-01-06 23:06


Axure RP

Organizing Widgets


1、Positioning Widgets on the Canvas



To add a widget to the canvas, drag it from the Libraries pane. You can also draw a number of shape widgets with the options in the Insert menu at the top-left of the UI.

要将小部件添加到画布,请从 Libraries 窗格中拖动它。您还可以使用UI左上角的 Insert 菜单中的选项绘制许多形状小部件。

To move a widget or selection of widgets, drag-and-drop it into place or use the arrow keys to nudge it around on the canvas. You can also choose exact canvas coordinates using the X and Y fields in the top toolbar or in the Style pane.

要移动小部件或选择小部件,请将其拖放到适当的位置,或使用箭头键在画布上移动它。您还可以使用顶部工具栏中的 X Y 字段或在 Style 窗格中选择精确的画布坐标。

1.2、Positioning Multiple Widgets at Once


When you have multiple widgets selected on the canvas, you can choose to change the coordinates of the entire selection as a whole or to reposition each individual widget within the selection:


  • To reposition the entire selection, use the X and Y fields in the top toolbar. This will move the selection of widgets as a whole to the target coordinates on the canvas, and each widget will maintain its relative distance from the target coordinates.

要重新定位整个选区,使用顶部工具栏中的 X Y 字段。这将把小部件的选择作为一个整体移动到画布上的目标坐标,每个小部件将保持它与目标坐标的相对距离。

  • To reposition each individual widget, use the X and Y fields in the Style pane. This will move each widget in the selection to the target coordinates on the canvas.

要重新定位每个小部件,请使用 Style 窗格中的 X Y 字段。这将把选择中的每个小部件移动到画布上的目标坐标。


The X and/or Y fields in the Style pane will be blank when the selected widgets are located at different spots on the canvas.
当选择的小部件位于画布上的不同位置时, Style 窗格中的 X 和/或 Y 字段将为空。


2、Resizing Widgets



To resize a widget, select it on the canvas and drag its resize handles. You can maintain the widget's aspect ratio by holding SHIFT while dragging.

要调整小部件的大小,请在画布上选择它并拖动它的调整大小手柄。您可以通过按住 SHIFT 来维持小部件的长宽比。

You can also choose exact dimensions for a widget using the W and H fields in the top toolbar or in the Style pane. To maintain the widget’s aspect ratio, click the Maintain aspect ratio icon between the W and H fields. Alternatively, you can press SHIFT ENTER after typing a new value into one of the fields.

您还可以使用顶部工具栏中的 W H 字段或在 Style 窗格中为小部件选择精确的尺寸。要维护小部件的长宽比,单击 W H 字段之间的 维护长宽比 图标。或者,在一个字段中输入一个新值后,您可以按 SHIFT ENTER *。

2.1、## Resizing Multiple Widgets at Once

When you have multiple widgets selected on the canvas, you can choose to resize the entire selection proportionally as a whole or to resize each individual widget within the selection:


  • To resize the entire selection, use the W and H fields in the top toolbar. This will set the width and height of the selection itself and then resize and reposition the selected widgets proportionally to fit inside the selected dimensions.

要调整整个选项的大小,请使用顶部工具栏中的 W H 字段。这将设置选择本身的宽度和高度,然后按比例调整所选小部件的大小和位置,使其适合所选维度。

  • To resize each individual widget, use the W and H fields in the Style pane. This will apply the selected dimensions to each widget in the selection, for example setting the width of each widget to 150px.

要调整每个小部件的大小,请使用 Style 窗格中的 W H 字段。这将对选择中的每个小部件应用所选的维数,例如将每个小部件的宽度设置为150px。


The W and/or H fields in the Style pane will be blank when the selected widgets have different dimensions.
Style 窗格中的 W 和/或 H 字段在选择的小部件具有不同的维度时为空白。

3、Rotating Widgets



Use the Rotation field at the top of the Style pane to rotate selected widgets on the canvas. The field accepts positive and negative degree values with up to two decimal places. Positive values rotate widgets to the right, and negative values rotate widgets to the left.

使用 Style 窗格顶部的** rotate **字段来旋转画布上选定的小部件。该字段接受最多两位小数的正负度值。正值将小部件旋转到右侧,负值将小部件旋转到左侧。

3.1、Reset Text Rotation

After rotating a shape widget , you can set the rotation of the shape's text back to 0° by right-clicking it and selecting Transform Shape → Reset Text to 0° .

在旋转了一个 shape widget 之后,您可以通过右键单击它并选择 Transform shape→Reset text to 0° 来将形状的文本旋转回0°。


4、# Naming Widgets


By default, widgets are not named. In the Outline pane and other locations that show widget names, unnamed widgets are identified by their widget type in parentheses: (Rectangle) , (Image) , etc.

默认情况下,小部件没有命名。在 Outline 窗格和其他显示小部件名称的位置中,未命名的小部件由小部件类型在圆括号中标识:'(矩形)'、'(图像)'等。

If you enter text onto a widget that has no name, it will instead be identified by the first few words of the text. For example, the default paragraph widget shows Lorem ipsum dolor si in the Outline pane.

如果您[在小部件上输入文本]( https://docs.axure.com/axrp/widgets/shapes #add -and- editingtext)没有名称,那么它将被文本的前几个单词标识。例如,默认的段落小部件在 Outline 窗格中显示“Lorem ipsum dolor si”。

To give a widget a name, do a slow double-click on it in the Outline pane. Alternatively, you can select it and enter a name at the top of the Style , Interactions , or Notes panes.

要为小部件指定名称,请在 Outline 窗格中缓慢双击它。或者,您可以选择它并在 Style 、** interaction Notes**窗格的顶部输入名称。

5、# Grouping Widgets


You can organize widgets into groups in order to name, position, and interact with them as a single unit. To do this, select two or more widgets and click Group in the top toolbar. To break apart a group of widgets, select the group and click Ungroup .

您可以将小部件组织成 ,以便作为单个单元命名、定位和与它们交互。为此,选择两个或多个小部件并单击顶部工具栏中的 Group 。要拆分一组小部件,请选择该组并单击 Ungroup

6、Layer Order / Depth Order / Front and Back



When two or more widgets overlap one another, their "layer order" determines which widget appears in front. The widget that is higher in layer order will appear in front, and the one that is lower will appear behind.


Layer order, or "z-index," also determines the tab order for widgets that can be navigating with the TAB key in the web browser, such as form widgets like text fields and droplists. The TAB key focuses the backmost widget first and moves progressively forward.

层顺序或“z-index”也决定了可以使用web浏览器中的** tab 键导航的小部件(如文本字段和droplist之类的表单小部件)的选项卡顺序。 TAB**键首先关注最后面的小部件,然后逐步向前移动。

You can view a widget's specific depth / z-index position in the Outline pane. By default, the pane is ordered front-to-back, so widgets at the top of the pane are in front, and widgets at the bottom are at the back. (If desired, you can change the sort direction by clicking the Sort and Filter icon at the top-right of the Outline pane.)

您可以在 Outline 窗格中查看小部件的特定深度/ z-index位置。默认情况下,窗格是从前到后排序的,因此窗格顶部的小部件在前面,底部的小部件在后面。(如果需要,您可以通过单击 Outline 窗格右上角的** sort和Filter**图标来更改排序方向。)


6.1、## Reordering Widgets


To change a widget's depth / z-index position, drag it up and down in the Outline pane.

要更改小部件的深度/ z索引位置,请在 Outline 窗格中上下拖动。

There are also buttons for this in the top toolbar. Use the Front button to move a selected widget to the front of the diagram, and use the Back button to send it to the back. You can also customize the top toolbar to include Forward and Backward buttons that move the selected widget forward and back one step at a time.
顶部工具栏中也有相应的按钮。使用 Front 按钮将选择的小部件移动到图表的前面,并使用 Back 按钮将其发送到后面。您还可以自定义顶部工具栏,以包含 向前 向后 按钮,这些按钮将选择的小部件一次向前和向后移动一步。
