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【出版】Global Media and China(全球媒体与中国)2017年第1期:目录

传媒学术网  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-05-23 09:56



Special Issue: Policing Creative Industries: Perspectives and Cases

Guest edited by Shin Dong Kim and Anthony YH Fung


Temptation of control in the globalizing culture industries

Shin Dong Kim and Anthony YH Fung

Original Articles

A new model for understanding global media and China: ‘Knowledge clubs’ and ‘knowledge commons’

John Hartley, Lucy Montgomery and Henry Siling Li

The bumpy road towards network convergence in China: The case of over-the-top streaming services

Elaine Jing Zhao

Going global and local control: Reflections on research directions on media policy in East Asia

Lorraine Lim

From ‘no cultural policy’ to ‘centralised market orientation’: The political economy of Hong Kong cultural policy (1997–2015)

Louis Ho

Korean–Chinese Film Remakes in a New Age of Cultural Globalisation: Miss Granny (2014) and 20 Once Again (2015) along the Digital Road

Kai Soh and Brian Yecies

Trans-border televisual musicscape: Regionalizing reality TV I am a Singer in China and Hong Kong

Carlos K.F. Cheung


