I think that there are two major avenues of interest from this congress. The first one is related with Hodgkin lymphoma, there are at least three huge clinical trials, which demonstrate that, in contrast to the current situation where we can cure 80 to 85% of the patients, based on this new data, we can assume that already now, we are able to cure almost 95% of the patient. And most importantly, they hint to the fact that, in a near future, we should be able to cure all patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. If we got non-Hodgkin lymphoma, I think that besides the study demonstrating that radiotherapy is no longer necessary in primary mediastinal lymphoma, which is important, because this is a disease of young people. The two most interesting aspects where the presentation of new types of CAR-T cells treatment. So the 4th generation of CAR-T cells was presented, which is going to be almost surely more active than the previous ones and less toxic, so that I have the feeling that CAR-T cells will soon be moved into the first line treatment, at least of high risk patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.