## step6 : peak calling
### step6.1: with MACS2
## 我先看了看说明书:
macs2 callpeak -t TF_1.bam -c Input.bam -n mypeaks
We used the following options:
-t: This is the only required parameter for MACS, refers to the name of the file with the ChIP-seq data
-c: The control or mock data file
-n: The name string of the experiment
MAC2 creates 4 files (mypeaks peaks.narrowPeak, mypeaks summits.bed, mypeaks peaks.xls and mypeaks model.r)
# MACS首先的工作是要确定一个模型,这个模型最关键的参数就是峰宽d。这个d就是bw(band width),而它的一半就是shiftsize。
### 然后根据文章确定了下载的测序数据的分类
GSM1278641 Xu_MUT_rep1_BAF155_MUT SRR1042593
GSM1278642 Xu_MUT_rep1_Input SRR1042594
GSM1278643 Xu_MUT_rep2_BAF155_MUT SRR1042595
GSM1278644 Xu_MUT_rep2_Input SRR1042596
GSM1278645 Xu_WT_rep1_BAF155 SRR1042597
GSM1278646 Xu_WT_rep1_Input SRR1042598
GSM1278647 Xu_WT_rep2_BAF155 SRR1042599
GSM1278648 Xu_WT_rep2_Input SRR1042600
## 这里有个很奇怪的问题,input的测序数据居然比IP的测序数据多???
848M Jun 28 14:31 SRR1042593.bam
2.7G Jun 28 14:52 SRR1042594.bam
716M Jun 28 14:58 SRR1042595.bam
2.9G Jun 28 15:20 SRR1042596.bam
1.1G Jun 28 15:28 SRR1042597.bam
2.6G Jun 28 15:48 SRR1042598.bam
1.2G Jun 28 15:58 SRR1042599.bam
3.5G Jun 28 16:26 SRR1042600.bam
## 我没有想明白为什么
## http://www2.uef.fi/documents/1698400/2466431/Macs2/f4d12870-34f9-43ef-bf0d-f5d087267602
## http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3120977/我首先用的是下面这些代码
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042594.bam -t SRR1042593.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep1 2>Xu_MUT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042596.bam -t SRR1042595.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep2 2>Xu_MUT_rep2.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042598.bam -t SRR1042597.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep1 2>Xu_WT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042600.bam -t SRR1042599.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep2 2>Xu_WT_rep2.masc2.log &
得到的peaks少的可怜,我第一次检查,以为是因为自己没有sort 比对的bam文件导致
## forget to sort the bam files:
## 首先把bam文件sort好,构建了inde,然后继续运行!
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042594.sorted.bam -t SRR1042593.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep1 2>Xu_MUT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042596.sorted.bam -t SRR1042595.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep2 2>Xu_MUT_rep2.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042598.sorted.bam -t SRR1042597.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep1 2>Xu_WT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042600.sorted.bam -t SRR1042599.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep2 2>Xu_WT_rep2.masc2.log &
## Then change the control and treatment
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -t SRR1042594.sorted.bam -c SRR1042593.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep1 2>Xu_MUT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -t SRR1042596.sorted.bam -c SRR1042595.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep2 2>Xu_MUT_rep2.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -t SRR1042598.sorted.bam -c SRR1042597.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep1 2>Xu_WT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -t SRR1042600.sorted.bam -c SRR1042599.sorted.bam -f BAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep2 2>Xu_WT_rep2.masc2.log &
##接下来我怀疑是自己用samtools view -bhS -q 30 处理了sam文件,这个标准太严格了!!
## then just use the sam files.
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042594.sam -t SRR1042593.sam -f SAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep1 2>Xu_MUT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042596.sam -t SRR1042595.sam -f SAM -B -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep2 2>Xu_MUT_rep2.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042598.sam -t SRR1042597.sam -f SAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep1 2>Xu_WT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042600.sam -t SRR1042599.sam -f SAM -B -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep2 2>Xu_WT_rep2.masc2.log &
## 也没有多几个peaks,最后我只能想到是我的p值太严格了
## then chang the criteria for p values :
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042594.sam -t SRR1042593.sam -f SAM -p 0.01 -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep1 2>Xu_MUT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042596.sam -t SRR1042595.sam -f SAM -p 0.01 -g hs -n Xu_MUT_rep2 2>Xu_MUT_rep2.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042598.sam -t SRR1042597.sam -f SAM -p 0.01 -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep1 2>Xu_WT_rep1.masc2.log &
nohup time ~/.local/bin/macs2 callpeak -c SRR1042600.sam -t SRR1042599.sam -f SAM -p 0.01 -g hs -n Xu_WT_rep2 2>Xu_WT_rep2.masc2.log &
18919 Xu_MUT_rep1_peaks.xls
36277 Xu_MUT_rep2_peaks.xls
32494 Xu_WT_rep1_peaks.xls
56080 Xu_WT_rep2_peaks.xls
## check some peaks 手动的 ## chr1 121484235 121485608
## masc results :
samtools depth -r chr10:42385331-42385599 SRR1042593.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr10:42385331-42385599 SRR1042594.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr20:45810382-45810662 SRR1042593.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr20:45810382-45810662 SRR1042594.sorted.bam
paper results:
chr20 45796362 46384917
chr1 121482722 121485861
samtools depth -r chr1:121482722-121485861 SRR1042593.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr1:121482722-121485861 SRR1042594.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr20:45796362-46384917 SRR1042593.sorted.bam
samtools depth -r chr20:45796362-46384917 SRR1042594.sorted.bam