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树影婆娑,热气氤氲:“葱茏”餐厅 / 八荒设计

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-03-21 09:30


▲ 草木葱茏


"CONGLONG" is a premium wagyu hot pot restaurant located in the heart of the historical and cultural district of Yihe Road in Nanjing’s Gulou District. Nanjing is not only rich in historical heritage, but its streets are also filled with abundant natural vegetation, full of vitality.

▲ 室内空间呈现环境特色


During studio 8’s first visit to the site, we were captivated by the century-old trees lining the street. Their lush canopies and moss-covered branches created a dynamic, life-filled atmosphere.

▲ 场地周边郁郁葱葱 ©STUDIO8

▼  环境带入空间设计


This distinctive street scene inspired the name "葱茏" (Conglong), which refers to flourishing greenery and also symbolizes prosperity and thriving. The design draws inspiration from the surrounding environment, incorporating its unique characteristics into the restaurant’s spatial concept.

▲ “葱茏”品牌名


The restaurant spans two independent buildings at the end of a park. Building 1 is a historical villa dating back to the 1930s, while Building 2, situated just a meter apart, was constructed in the 1970s and 1980s. To emphasize the dual nature of the site, the buildings were named after the brand, with "葱" (Cong) referring to the historical villa, called "葱影" (Congying), and "茏" (Long) referring to the newer building, named "茏郁" (Longyu). Together, these two buildings form the flagship of the restaurant.

▲ 黄色洋房为“葱影”楼,新楼为“茏郁”楼


Due to certain restrictions, the exterior of the buildings could not be altered. As a result, the architectural language and spatial qualities of the two buildings are quite different. The focus of the design, therefore, was to highlight their distinctive characteristics while balancing the contrasting elements. The historical villa was preserved intact, with only partial modifications made to the newer building (Building 2), including adjustments to the layout and spatial flow.

▲ 入口花园

The Garden



The two buildings have independent entrances, and the only connection between them is a small plaza in front of both. The goal was to ensure a unified arrival experience as visitors approached the buildings, so the entrance plaza was designed as a landscaped garden. Several irregularly shaped plant beds were cleverly arranged to create a lush atmosphere. The brand logo, inspired by the texture of the sycamore tree bark, was intricately etched into the entrance wall.

▲ 入口改造轴测图  ©STUDIO8

▲ 雨篷串联起两栋建筑入口


Walking through the green garden, a light steel rain canopy leads to the reception area, merging the two entrances into one seamless gray space, uniting the two independent buildings. A large dark green marble wall under the canopy elegantly resolves the gap between the two buildings and naturally guides the line of sight toward the two dining spaces.

▲ 具有视线引导性的墨绿色斜墙


Entering the "葱影" (Congying) Building, a historical villa that was once the residence of a famous figure, the interior space has a unique and pleasant atmosphere, with notable cultural value. The attic on the third floor, with its slanted roof, offers a distinctive charm.

▲  取“树冠”为空间概念

The Canopy | History Building 'Congying'

以树冠之寓 | “葱影”楼:历史洋房的改造


The design combines the lush tree shadow atmosphere from the surrounding area with the building’s original wooden structure, incorporating the concept of a "tree canopy." The first floor features a circular bar counter made of green marble, where solo guests can sit around. The ceiling is designed with semi-transparent light panels that simulate the play of tree shadows, allowing diners to feel as though they are enjoying their meal under a tree, with shifting shadows and a warm, atmospheric experience.

▲ 圆形吧台散客位与小卡座

▼ 半透灯膜模拟树影


Ascending the slightly creaky wooden stairs to the second floor, the space embraces the building’s inherent atmosphere. Apart from structural requirements, the space has been completely opened up, with a slanted wall used as a screen to divide seating areas.

▲ 端景斜墙分隔空间


Turning the corner from the open dining area, one arrives at a three-person booth area, where the walls and stairwell feature staggered seams, allowing light and sightlines to pass through.

▲ 片墙的错缝让光和视线穿越卡座区


Whether it’s the spotlights illuminating small plants on the walls, the contrast between marble and stainless steel materials, or the red glazed handmade tiles in the restroom with delicate artwork and sculptures on the shelves, all these elements subtly offer a tactile sense of refinement.

▲ 材质摆件于细微处增添空间细腻


Throughout the space, all mechanical systems are concentrated in the central ceiling, leaving the rest of the ceiling exposed with clear wooden beams, coated with acoustic materials.

▲ 吊顶细节与红釉手工砖


Moving toward the attic round table private room, the sharp roof space is designed with lighting details that simulate natural daylight. The exposed roof beams and original wooden window frames reveal the raw beauty of the building’s structure. When the lights are turned on, the space feels warm and nostalgic, evoking a sense of stepping back in time.

▲ 坡屋顶包厢空间

The Tree Truck | New Building 'Longyu'

以树干之意 | “茏郁”楼:新建包厢


Next door, the "茏郁" (Longyu) Building, a newer structure, initially had a regular, compartmentalized layout so it was transformed into VIP private rooms. The first floor was consolidated into a kitchen and support area, while the gap between the two buildings serves as a delivery corridor for the entire restaurant. On the second floor, two private rooms remain intact, while the third floor has been converted into a set of private suites with independent elevators.
