专栏名称: 蒲公英Ouryao
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FDA CGMP问答---通则

蒲公英Ouryao  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-08-29 00:27


翻译:Julia  来源:Julia法规翻译

Questions and Answers on Current Good ManufacturingPractices—General Provisions


 1. Are USP general chaptersabove <999> considered equivalent to FDA guidance?  What is theirpurpose and how should manufacturers use these informational chapters?


No, FDA is the only source of policy on pharmaceutical CGMPs andquality.  CGMP requirements are found in statutes and regulations, andFDA’s current thinking on these requirements is explained in the Agency’sguidance documents.


The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention is a private, nongovernmentalorganization that publishes the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and theNational Formulary (NF) as official compendia of the United States. Althoughmuch of the USP and NF is legally enforceable, the USP general chaptersnumbered above <999> (general information chapters) are informational andgenerally do not contain any mandatory requirements (see USP General Notices2.10). General information chapters might include some recommendations that mayhelp a firm meet CGMPs.


Date: 6/14/2007


2. How does one comment onFDA’s proposed guidance documents?  How about USP proposals? 


Both USP and FDA have mechanisms in place for interested parties to makecomments on proposed documents.    


Guidance Documents 指南文件

FDA’s proposed guidance documents are written using good guidancepractices and published for comment per 21 CFR 10.115.  They are easilyaccessible to the public via our Web site and through the Federal Register.  FDA’s Division ofDockets Management is the office responsible for receiving all comments onproposed guidance.  Interested parties can read and submit comments viaFDA’s Dockets Management Web site.  FDA reviews allreceived public comments, makes appropriate modifications, and publishes afinal document.


USP Monographs USP各论

USP publishes proposed chapters or monographs in the PharmacopeialForum, a publication that is issued bimonthly.  USP subscribershave access to these publications and can send comments (within a 90-day postpublication comment period) for consideration by the USP.  Finalizedproposals (official revisions, new chapters, or monographs) are published insubsequent supplements to or editions of the Pharmacopeia.


Date: 4/30/2009