专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-12 09:29


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,关东铁源协会最新的东京湾日本废钢月度出口招标反映出市场好转。周三的招标显示,平均价格较上月招标上涨 2,199 日元 / 吨( 21 美元 / 吨),至 30,605 日元 / 吨。

KantoTetsugen's  latest monthly export tender for Japanese scrap from Tokyo Bayreflects an upturn in the market, Kallanish notes.Wednesday’s tender shows an average price increase of JPY 2,199/tonne ($21/t)from last month's tender to JPY 30,605/t.

11 11 日的关东铁源协会招标中,丰田通商材料公司以 30,717 日元 / fas 291 美元 / 吨)中标 1.5 万吨,伊藤忠金属公司以 30,270 日元 / 吨中标 5,000 吨。

The KantoTetsugen Cooperative Association auction awarded on 11 November a bid for15,000 tonnes from Toyota Tsusho Material Incorporated at JPY 30,717/t fas($291/t). It also awarded a 5,000t bid from Itochu Metals Corp at JPY30,270/t.

一些贸易人士称,价格较高的货物预计将运往孟加拉国或越南,而价格较低的货物将运往越南一家感应炉钢厂。该协会公布,有 15 家公司提交了总计 14.75 万吨的投标。

Thehigher-priced cargo is expected to be shipped to either Bangladesh or toVietnam and the lower-bid cargo to an induction furnace mill in Vietnam, sometrading sources say. The association announced that 15 companies submitted bidsfor a total of 147,500t.

一位越南贸易商表示,投标价迅速上升,并补充说,最近他没有听闻日本 H2 废钢报价,但估计现在价格最低将为 330 美元 / cfr 越南。

Bids haveincreased rapidly, a Vietnamese trader says, adding he has not heard of recentoffers for Japanese H2 but estimates they would now be priced at a minimum of$330/t cfr Vietnam.


