位于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的美国锌回收公司(American Zinc Recycling,简称AZR)近日宣布,其位于北卡罗来纳州卢瑟福县的工厂在最近翻新后将重新开始生产。
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based American Zinc Recycling (AZR) hasannounced the restart of production at its recently renovated plant inRutherford County, North Carolina.
The facility, which was idled in 2016 for scheduled upgrades to itssolvent extraction and refining technologies, underwent an initial restart inApril. Shortly afterwards, the facility experienced an accidental fire thatcaused damage to production and required additional modifications,
AZR公司的卢瑟福工厂使用该公司的威尔兹回转窑(waelz kiln)技术将含锌磨粉精炼成威尔兹氧化物(WOX)。卢瑟福工厂新的改造扩展了AZR的回收链,考虑到升级将WOX转化为特殊高品位锌的精炼过程,这种锌用于各种钢铁产品中。
AZR’s Rutherford plant refines zinc-bearing mill dust into waelzoxide (WOX) using the company's waelz kiln technology. The new renovations atthe Rutherford plant extends AZR's recycling chain by allowing for upgrades inthe refinement process of turning WOX into special high grade zinc, which isused in a variety of steel products.
"We are optimistic about the production we will see throughoutthe remainder of 2020 and beyond," says AZR vice president RobertWilliamson in a statement.
除了威廉姆森的评论外,美国锌回收公司董事长韦恩·艾萨克斯(Wayne Isaacs)评论道:“……卢瑟福县工厂的成功运行使我们能够通过生产特殊的高品位锌金属来完成循环回路,最大化价值链。”
In addition to Williamson's comment, Wayne Isaacs, chairman ofAmerican Zinc, comments "...the successful operation of our RutherfordCounty facility makes it possible for us to close the recycle loop and maximizethe value chain through production of special high grade zinc metal.”
Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)
22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Europe Steel Markets 2020
The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy on the 4-5 June.