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李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-04-14 07:25





















Self-evaluation Checklist



Problems or Skills

Comments and Suggestions


You should use an academic writing style in this work. Academic writing is characterised by the use of academic words, academic structures, and academic conventions (see http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/ for more information).


Paraphrasing or summarising a reference is more than changing several words in a sentence   and including it in your work. While there are no strict rules, you should   use a direct quotation if you are using more than 4 or 5 exact words from a source. See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/ for more information


In academic writing it is important to attend to detail (e.g. correct capitalisation) as mistakes will erode your credibility.


Academic writing is generally (but not always) is expressed using impersonal language that avoids the use of:

· personal pronouns e.g. "I", "we" , "our"

· personal judgements e.g. "I believe"

· emotive words e.g. "repulsive"

For more information see http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/2d.html or http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/4a.html


It is usually a good idea to make your academic writing as concise as possible. You can often remove redundant words without changing the meaning of the sentence. The following resources will assist you:

  • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/572/01/

  • https://owl.english.purdue.edu/exercises/6/9

How could this be written more concisely?


This is a colloquial expression and thus should be either placed in quotes or not used in academic writing.


Formal academic writing generally focusses on the research rather than the   researchers e.g. "The results indicate…" rather than "We believe the results indicate …". You can however use the first person when referring to yourself or your co-researchers. See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/15/ for more details.


You should have an intext reference here and a corresponding entry in your reference list.


This appears to have been plagiarised from:


Plagiarism is a serious form of academic misconduct and there are serious consequences.  You should look at http://www.usq.edu.au/plagiarism/infostud/ to make yourself aware of:

· Plagiarism Explained

· Examples

· Avoiding Plagiarism

· Detection and Consequences

· Frequently-asked Questions

· Additional Resources


Before you include a quote you must clearly say how or why it relates to your argument. A series of disconnected quotations will erode the strength of your argument.


It is generally best not to use too many rhetorical questions in academic writing. You should be providing the answers supported by examples and evidence.


Ensure that verb tense (past, present and future)  is consistent e.g. "My sister runs to work last Thursday"   should be "My sister ran to work last Thursday".





for exercises based on tense agreements


This may be an unreliable source to support your argument. More reliable sources will strengthen your argument and less reliable or dubious sources can weaken your argument. More information on evaluating sources is available at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/553/01/


It is best not to use first person or personal opinions in academic writing. There is more information on this at: http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/2di.html

How could this be expressed without using the first person?


This would be better expressed using formal, technical or   specialised language that is typically used in academic writing. Technical language is often more precise and concise. How could you state this in a more technical way? For a comparison of formal and informal text see http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/2b.html and http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/2c.html

How could this be expressed in more formal academic language?


See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/index.php?category_id=2&sub_category_id=1&article_id=48 for a list of commonly confused words


Your paper (excluding appendices and the references) should be within 10% above or below the suggested word length. It is a good idea to use the Word count function in your word processor and list the word count on the assignment cover page.


Points in a list or headings are generally not sentences and thus do not need a full stop.


Acronyms are always capitalised e.g. CD-ROM, MSN. Some have slipped into the language to the extend that this no longer applies e.g. Qantas


You should spell out this abbreviation in full the first time it is used.


Pages in the manuscript should be in the following order.

· Title page: including, title, running head, author byline, institutional affiliation, and author note. This is page 1

· Abstract: start on a new page and numbered 2

· Text: start on a new page and numbered 3

· References: start on a new page

· Tables: start each on a new page

· Figures: start each on a new page

· Appendices: start each on a new page


You should use a blank line between paragraphs or indent first line of each paragraph so it is clear where the paragraph breaks are.


It is good to see the professional presentation of this assignment with a coverpage and table of contents based on styles.


It is generally worthwhile preparing a professional cover page that gives the name of the paper, the course, and your name. If you are given a word limit you should also include the number of words in the assignment (excluding appendices and references).


Using bullets or numbered lists is one way of introducing a little visual variety into your presentation and it makes is easier to quickly scan the document and see the structure.


It is generally better to allow Word to automatically set table and column widths and heights. If you set absolute width and height some text may be hidden depending on the viewer's computer and fonts.


Please use the spelling checker and grammar checker in Word to identify possible problems. Right click on the red and green underlining in Word to identify possible grammar and spelling errors.


Please use headers, footers and page breaks in Word and this will mean that you will not have this type of problem.


It is best to use the margins within the Word ruler to control the indenting rather than add spaces or tabs to the start of the line.


If you use PAGE BREAKS (INSERT > BREAK > PAGE BREAK)   and KEEP WITH NEXT (FORMAT > PARAGRAPH > LINE BREAKS > KEEP WITH   NEXT) in Word you will avoid these types of problems with pagination.


In Word you should not press the "enter" key at the end of each line. To get double spacing use the FORMAT menu > PARAGRAPH > LINE SPACING


It is usually a good idea to make links clickable. In   Word you can do this by highlighting the text then INSERT > HYPERLINK or if the text is a fully formatted link starting with http:// you can just press space and the link will be automagically formed.


If you use outline mode in Word (VIEW > OUTLINE) and headings you can get Word to automatically generate a Table of Contents (INSERT > REFERENCE > TABLES > TABLE OF CONTENTS) with page numbers and links.


Once you learn about page and section breaks in Word you   will not have this problem with things being on the wrong page.


There are two main ways to positional images in the text in Word.

The first anchors it to a position on the page and the second floats up and down as you add to delete text … the second way (inline) is generally best and you can set this by Right clicking the picture >  FORMAT PICTURE > POSITION >   INLINE.  This will stop the text and the picture being in on top of each other.


Use of Tabs on the ruler in Word and/or setting the first line indent will avoid these types of problems.


It is generally better to use the TABS on the ruler or even a table (with or without the border showing) to align elements in this type of layout.


Using   the numbered and bulleted list structure in Word will help to make the   structure of your ideas easier to see. These also add to the visual interest   of the page and make the text much easier to read if it is ever put online.


Using a table (with the borders hidden or shown) is one way of laying out multicolumn page layout within Word or controlling where information is shown on the page.


If you have been given a word limit it is a good idea to show the number of   words (excluding cover page, references, appendices) on the cover page


There are many separate ideas in this paragraph and this   makes it more difficult for the reader. The OWL has some good information on paragraphs at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/606/01/

http://www.usq.edu.au/learningcentre/alsonline/acwrite/parstruct or http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/effective/4.html and the following pages (click NEXT at the top right) are also worth looking at.

How would you break this into several paragraphs?


The sentences in this paragraph are not logically ordered. Generally a topic sentence will be followed by sentences that elaborate or provide supporting evidence and end with a concluding sentence. See http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/effective/4.html for more information.


What is the main idea in this paragraph? The main idea should be in the topic sentence, which is generally the first sentence. After this, you can expand or support the idea with reference to the literature. Structuring your paragraphs in this way helps the reader to know what to expect and see where the augment is going. See http://www.usq.edu.au/learningcentre/alsonline/acwrite/parstruct for more ideas on paragraphs.


Avoid   breaking paragraphs where there is no natural division in the thought.   Successions of extremely short paragraphs tend to fragment ideas and one-sentence paragraphs should generally be avoided. See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/02 and http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/606/02


Use a comma to separate items in a list of 3 or more items

e.g. remember apples, oranges, and bananas.


Use single quotes to signify the presence text that was quoted in the original quoted text

e.g. Smith (1999) found "the 'placebo effect',…"


Use   double quote marks around text quoted directly from a source, to introduce an ironic comment, slang or coined expression, to surround the title if used in text, or mark materials used in a test.


Use   a period to complete a sentence, with Latin abbreviations (e.g. a.m.), or initials. Do not use periods with capital letter   abbreviations, web addresses, or measurement abbreviations.


This is an incorrect use of an apostrophe, which is used   to:

  • to form possessives of nouns

  • to show the omission of letters

  • to indicate missing letters in a contraction e.g. "I'm" for "I am"

  • to indicate certain plurals of lowercase letters e.g. "mind your p's and q's"

The Purdue Online Writing Lab has a good explanation of these issues at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/566/ 01/  and exercises at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/exercises/3/3/10


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