Anydisturbing noise can be as helpful as silence. How? By dropping your inner resistanceto the noise, by allowing it to be as it is, this acceptance also takes you intothat realm of inner peace that is stillness.
Wheneveryou deeply accept this moment as it is — no matter what form it takes — you arestill, you are at peace.
Payattention to the gap — the gap between two thoughts, the brief, silent space betweenwords in a conversation, between the notes of a piano or flute, or the gap betweenthe in-breath and out-breath.
When youpay attention to those gaps, awareness of “something” becomes — just awareness.The formless dimension of pure consciousness arises from within you andreplaces identification with form.
Trueintelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problemsare found.
Isstillness just the absence of noise and content? No, it is intelligence itself— the underlying consciousness out of which every form is born. And how couldthat be separate from who you are? The form that you think you are came out ofthat and is being sustained by it.
It is theessence of all galaxies and blades of grass; of all flowers, trees, birds, and allother forms.