[1] 第三(二)条 收款账户应当为收款人同名账户。收款人因同一品牌连锁式经营、集团化管理等通过代收业务办理资金归集业务确需使用非同名账户办理代收资金入账的,代收机构应当审核收款账户开户人的身份证明材料,并通过相关资金归集业务协议等确认收款人与该收款账户及收款账户开户人之间存在合法资金管理关系。
[2] 韩芸、孙宇:《电商平台清结算业务监管思路初探》,载《金融纵横》2017年第10期。
[3] “For non-invoiced orders, you authorize Amazon Payments, Inc. to act as your agent for purposes of processing payments… paying Amazon and its Affiliates amounts you owe in accordance with this Agreement or other agreements you may have with Amazon Affiliates. For invoiced orders, you authorize: (a) Amazon Capital Services, Inc. to act as your agent for purposes of processing payments…and (b) Amazon.com Services LLC to act as your agent for purposes of … paying Amazon and its Affiliates amounts you owe in accordance with this Agreement or other agreements you may have with Amazon Affiliates. Amazon Payments, Inc., Amazon Capital Services, Inc., and Amazon.com Services LLC are each an “Amazon Payments Agent”…”
[4] “This Directive shall apply to none of the following: …(b) payment transactions from the payer to the payee through a commercial agent authorised to negotiate or conclude the sale or purchase of goods or services on behalf of the payer or the payee; …”
[5] “Whereas:(11)…Certain Member States allow the use of the exclusion by e-commerce platforms that act as an intermediary on behalf of both individual buyers and sellers without a real margin to negotiate or conclude the sale or purchase of goods or services. Such application of the exclusion goes beyond the intended scope set out in that Directive and has the potential to increase risks for consumers, as those providers remain outside the protection of the legal framework…Where agents act on behalf of both the payer and the payee (such as certain e-commerce platform), they should be excluded only if they do not, at any time enter into possession or control of client funds.”
[6] 罗沛君、余海春:《日本第三方支付监管政策研究》,载《金卡生活》2019年。
[7] 韩芸、孙宇:《电商平台清结算业务监管思路初探》,载《金融纵横》2017年第10期。
[8] 第十一条 为他人实施犯罪提供技术支持或者帮助,具有下列情形之一的,可以认定行为人明知他人利用信息网络实施犯罪,但是有相反证据的除外: