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你们还去乐天玛特(LOTTE Mart)shopping吗?

新东方托福  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2017-03-09 10:50




Anyway, 乐天也好,萨德(THAAD, Terminal High Altitude Area Defend)也罢,this time, it’s all about POLITICS. 



来review 一下

Do you agree or disagree:

政治领导人have greater influence on the society than 伟大的艺术家 do.

Teng Tsiao-ping

Vincent Willem van Gogh,The Starry Night

Do you agree or disagree:

运动员或艺人 can be good 政治家.

Ronald Wilson Reagan & Marilyn Monroe

Do you agree or disagree:


Donald Trump

GUCCI Slipper

Do you agree or disagree:

The most important characteristic of a 成功的政治或商业领导人is the ability to communicate well.


As Gerald Seib, Capital Journal columnist for the Wall Street Journal observed, our Commander in Chief apparently intends also to become a “Communicator-in-Chief.”

It would be easy to pigeonhole Barack Obama’s style as charismatic. He certainly commands the room, no matter the venue, and connects with audiences in every situation. He adapts with ease — a comfortable, conversational, hipster, down-home style for a reporter sit-down, which contrasts with his confident, motivational way of delivering the rhetoric of hope on the platform. (各种表扬)He does have some annoying vocal habits — I noticed after a while that the phrases “as I’ve said,” or “I’ve made it clear,” frequently crept in, just prior to the answer to a tough question. (削弱了一下)Still, you cannot help but admire the way he can work a crowd into an absolute frenzy.(又回到表扬)


不难?then congrats!



Then it’s high time that you guys attended 新东方强化or精讲精练班啦!~(后台回复【课程】

Enjoy your TOEFL learning!~
